Monday, July 12, 2021

After all, why is the mark of yellow cross made on the last coaches of the train?


Indian Railways is the second largest rail network in Asia and the fourth largest single state owned rail network in the world. This mode of transport is one of the most convenient means of transportation. Every day millions of people travel by train. And the railways operate about 13,000 trains daily to reach these millions of people. You must have traveled by train too, but have you ever noticed that the last compartment of the train is marked with a cross i.e. X.

Have you ever seen this mark and felt that if this mark is not there, then the journey of the car may also be affected? It is absolutely true that the railways cannot make such a big mark without any reason. Every mark made on the train carriages has its own special significance. Something similar is also with the mark of this cross.

Let me tell you that the mark of this cross made on the coaches of the train is only yellow. Because the yellow wavelength is between red and green and it is easy to recognize from a distance. Red and green are the most prevalent colors in the signal, but yellow also has a significant place. That is why the mark of cross is also given in yellow on the coaches of the train.

Crosses made on train carriages have many advantages. These marks represent the last bogie of the train. In other words, the meaning of the cross can be added to no. These marks are made to indicate the last compartment of the entire train.

Explain that a board written 'LV' is put on the coaches of the train. These special boards are installed after coupling or connecting the coaches of the train. LV stands for Last Vehicle. At the same time a red light is also lit on the last coach to indicate that this is the last compartment of the train.

When a train passes a station, platform, or railway gate, the sign of the cross carries a variety of signals. The railway employee stationed at the station or railway gate knows that the whole train has left by crossing this cross box. On the other hand, the cross-fitted coach shows that none of the coaches of the train has been derailed or separated from the train. If a box is decapitated, the coach with the cross mark will not be visible.

A fort in India on which even cannon balls were fired ineffectively, the British conceded defeat

 A fort of India, on which even cannon shells were fired, the British had accepted defeat. There are many such forts in our country, which are famous all over the world for their special reasons. There is a similar fort in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, which is called 'Fort of Lohgarh (Lohagarh)'.

There are many such forts in our country, which are famous all over the world for their special reasons. There is a similar fort in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, which is called 'Fort of Lohgarh (Lohagarh)'. The fort of Lohgarh is said to be the only invincible fort of India, as no one has ever conquered it. Not only that, the British had also surrendered from this fort.

Lohgarh Fort was built 285 years ago, i.e. on February 19, 1733 by the Jat ruler Maharaja Surajmal. Cannons and ammunition were in high demand at that time, so a special method was used to build this fort, so that even the ammunition shells hit the fort wall and became ineffective.

At the time of construction of this fort a wide and strong stone high wall was built first. Hundreds of feet wide mud wall was built around these walls so that they would not be affected by artillery shells and a deep and wide ditch was made at the bottom and filled with water. In such a case, even if the enemy crossed the water, it was not difficult or impossible to climb the flat wall.

It was not easy for anyone to attack the Lohgarh fort. Because the shells fired from the cannon would sink into the mud wall and their fire would calm down. This did not cause any damage to the fort. That is why the enemy could never enter inside this fort.

It is said that the British attacked this fort 13 times to capture it. The British army had rained hundreds of cannon shells here, but those shells had no effect on the fort. He could not distinguish the fort even once out of 13. It is said that the British army became frustrated with repeated defeats and left.

According to the English historian James Todd, the greatest feature of this fort was its walls, which are made of clay, but in spite of this, conquering this fort was no less than chewing iron gram. This fort has always delivered sixes of enemies and has persuaded its iron.

Miserliness has reached its limit! What she does to save money; You will be annoyed just by reading

 If you understand this woman's way of saving money, you will call her the most stingy woman in the world.

Pricing and saving after shopping is one of the best skills of every housewife. No one can hold their hand frugally. This is why so many women are called stingy. But a woman in America has claimed that she is the most frugal woman in the world and if you really know what she does to save money, you will call her the most stingy woman in the world

Becky Guiles, 41. According to reports, Becky lives with her husband Jay, 7-year-old George and 4-year-old Colden. Becky quit her ,000 25,000 job and became a housewife. She preferred to spend time with her children.

According to Becky, saving money means making money. She had saved so much in the first year that she was compensated for the loss of her job. She claims that you can buy anything in the world very cheaply or even for free. She uses different funds to save money. You will be amazed if you see her ways to save money.

Becky decorates her home herself. This decoration is made from waste to durable. If things go awry, Neet does it himself. That's fine. Most people do this to save money. But Becky has gone beyond that. Which you may never have thought of.

You may be surprised but she has also cut off the water supply to her house to save money. She uses the water to collect the snow that falls outside. She grinds her teeth with this ice.  There is usually a washing machine for washing clothes and a dishwasher for washing dishes. She washes dirty clothes and utensils in the washing machine. So that no more water is required and the cost of soap is also saved. But Becky washes both clothes and utensils in the washing machine. She makes her family members do the same.

She even keeps track of what she eats. When she eats too much, she even collects money from her husband. Her husband Jay said, "If we order Mozzarella sticks, it will have four pieces and I ate three pieces. Becky says Jay will have to pay you 75 percent."

Do you know if this woman is more stingy than someone who is stingy now or if someone is calling you stingy, then you must share this news with that person, so that that person will also know that someone is stingier than you.

Find out how long stored food is safe; Rice and fruit are good for as long as possible

 Find out how many days it is safe to keep food, fruits and vegetables in the fridge.

In the busy life of the city, it is not possible to cook fresh food every time one is hungry. This often happens with busy people, who often cook and freeze food to save time. The purpose of storing leftover food in the refrigerator is either food spoilage This is to avoid or save time. Food kept in the fridge can prevent spoilage, but can it prevent your health from spoiling? To find the answer to this question, find out how many days it is safe to keep food, fruits and vegetables in the fridge. 


Eat cooked rice kept in the refrigerator within 2 days. Refrigerated rice should be set aside at room temperature before eating. Then eat only after the rice is properly heated.

Chapatti in the fridge can cause stomach ache

If you keep wheat chapati roti in the refrigerator, it is best to eat it within 12 to 14 hours after it is ready. Failure to do so will result in loss of nutritional value. It can also cause you stomach ache.

How many days can you eat pulses in the fridge?

If there is any leftover dal in the food and you have kept it in the fridge to prevent it from spoiling, eat it within 2 days. After 2 days, after eating dal kept in the fridge, gas starts to form in the stomach.

How to keep sliced ​​fruit?

Sometimes the cut fruit remains. At such times people keep them in the fridge for later use. But there is a definite time to eat each fruit. This fruit is then contaminated.

Papaya does not last more than six hours

If you keep sliced ​​papaya in the fridge, you should eat it within six hours. Papaya starts spoiling after 8 hours after cutting. If you eat it after 12 hours, it is as harmful as it is beneficial at harvest time. It can act like a slow poison for your body.

Apples and other fruits

If the apples are kept for a long time after cutting, they start oxidizing. This causes its top layer to turn black. It does no harm. But it is better to eat apples in 4 hours after cutting. If you have cut any fruit, do not eat it after 6 to 8 hours.

How to keep foods fresh in the fridge

Often people keep cooked food on the same shelf in the fridge along with raw vegetables. Doing so causes the bacteria to grow in the freezer and food can spoil quickly. Aside from raw and cooked food, the virus does not get into it. It is best to keep cooked food in a steel container.

There is also a fixed time to keep fruits and vegetables in the fridge. They should be eaten before the end of this period. Only then can the body get its nutrients.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Individuals of this blood group should eat less chicken-meat; Reason ...

 According to the blood group, if a person eats food, it helps in quick digestion of food.

Often a nutritious diet does not improve the health of many. There can be various reasons for this. However, according to experts, if a person follows a diet similar to his blood group, it will definitely have a positive effect on his health. According to the blood group, if a person eats food, it helps in quick digestion of food.

According to a WebMD report, each blood group has a specific appearance. So your eating habits are directly related to your blood type. There are four types of blood groups: O, A, B and AB. Let's find out which blood group should be fed.

O blood group

Individuals of this blood group should followa high protein diet. This should include foods like pulses, meat, fish, fruits. Similarly, grains and beans should also be included.

What should people of blood group A eat?

People with blood type A should include tofu, seafood and a variety of pulses in their diet in addition to greens. You can also make a good combination with olive oil, dairy products, corn and seafood.

What people of A blood group should not eat

According to experts, individuals with blood type A have a very sensitive immune system. That is why they should take care of their food and drink. Experts advise such people to eat a meat-free diet. Because the body of these individuals cannot easily digest meat, these people are advised to eat less chicken-meat.

B blood group

Individuals of B blood group are considered lucky in terms of eating. These people can eat green leafy vegetables, fruits, fish, meat and chicken. According to experts, these individuals have a good digestive system. This prevents fat from accumulating in their body.

People of AB blood group should eat a balanced diet

AB blood group is seen in very few people. These people should eat more fruits and vegetables.

With increasing age, some people may experience problems such as high blood pressure, low blood pressure or diabetes. In such cases, people of all blood groups should consult their doctor once about diet. Experts can suggest the right diet based on the medical condition.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

If water and milk are heated, the water does not overflow, but what causes the milk to overflow?

Although this happens because there is a difference between the density of water and milk, my experience is that if you put the pan on a large gas filled with water on the edge, the water will boil and overflow the gas.

The rest of the answers given earlier are detailed.

Thanks for the question request

There is a big difference between milk and water.

Milk is made up of an emulsion of water and fat. Milk contains a lot of fats, proteins - mainly proteins called casein. These elements i.e. fats and casein are not soluble in water but they are floating in water.

When we heat milk, for the first time some of its casein and fat are separated from water. Since these elements are lighter than water, a layer of them forms on the water. When the milk is further heated, the water under this layer starts evaporating. This vapor goes up and gets stuck in the formed layer on the milk.

When the milk is further heated, more water evaporates. Due to the pressure of this vapor, the layer on the milk is gradually lifted and this is what we call milk overflow.

There is no such thing as milk in water so there is no question of overflow. The water evaporates and goes straight up.

What if humans didn't have bones


Your body has a total of 206 bones that look like a skeleton. These bones have the strength to withstand the weight of our body. Let me tell you that if our body does not have bones then our body is not worth doing anything. Bones are extremely strong and they play a different role in the body.

Today we are going to tell you some things related to bones which you will be shocked to know.

This bone of the body can withstand the weight of 6 cars, know these 10 things related to bones

Your body has a total of 206 bones that look like a skeleton. These bones have the strength to withstand the weight of our body. Let me tell you that if our body does not have bones then our body is not worth doing anything. Bones are extremely strong and they play a different role in the body. Today we are going to tell you some things related to bones which you will be shocked to know

At the time of our birth there are 306 bones in the body but as we get older, their number decreases to 206.

More than half the bones of the body are in the arms and legs.

The total bones of the human body weigh 14 percent of our body weight.

Humans and giraffes have equal bones in their bodies.

The smallest bone of the human body is our ear which is known as steppe.

The largest bone in the human body is in our thighs called the femur.

Every 7 years our body renews the bones which means that the old bones are replaced by new bones.

When something hits the elbow, we feel an electric current, it is due to the nerves.

Our thigh bone is so powerful that it can withstand the weight of 6 cars.

The arm bone can withstand the greatest weight.

Plastic Bottle: Is drinking water from a plastic bottle good for health?

  Use Of Plastic Bottle : Is Drinking Water From Plastic Bottle Really Good For Health? You don't know about it. Let's find out ......