Sunday, April 11, 2021

Video | This crow speaks well, see what it says?

 This crow is talking like a man and saying hi, hello. Many people are disturbed by this trick of the crow.

Millions of videos are uploaded to social media every day. It also contains videos of humans and animals. Videos of these animals are viewed with interest by netizens. Currently a video of a crow is going hugely viral on social media. This crow is talking like a man and saying hi, hello. Many people are disturbed by this trick of the crow. Many are smiling after watching this video. (crow speak English say hi hello video goes viral)

What exactly is in the video?

So far you have seen many crows. You may have seen all these crows crowing. However, the crow in the video is saying hi. Unbelievable. But this crow is communicating with man. After saying hi to him, the crow is saying hi and hello. This is clearly seen in the video. 

In the video, the crow sits on a woman's arm. The woman is interacting with the crow. When this woman is saying hi, hello to the crow. In response to him, the crow is saying hi, hello to this woman with a big heart.

Watch the video

Common raven, like other corvids, can mimic sounds from their environment, including human speech.
[full video:

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