Friday, June 24, 2022

Health Tips: Really? Does drinking water while standing cause pain in the legs? What is the truth behind this?


What do we eat when we eat? This has a huge impact on our health. Some people say that drinking water while standing can damage your knees.

Nowadays, in the rush hour, we have a habit of doing everything fast. From this, go to work, have a quick meal, drink a little water. We do everything running and fast. However, it is very harmful to your health. What do we eat when we eat? This has a huge impact on our health.

But does your health depend on how you drink water (Water Drinking Habits)? Can Drinking Water In Standing Position Really Kill Your Knee, Joint Pain, Kidney And Liver Damage? Today we are going to answer all these questions for you. So let's find out the effect of standing up and drinking water on our body.

Some people say that standing up and drinking water can damage your knees. By doing this, water circulates rapidly in your body and it accumulates directly in the knee. But that is not strange. According to TV Nine, there is no research that suggests that standing up and drinking water can cause such problems. Everything we eat or drink goes into our stomach through our esophagus. It then reaches your intestines and is absorbed there.

Water flows with the blood and reaches all parts of the body. So there is no truth in these things that standing up and drinking water hurts your feet or your knees get damaged. There are no disadvantages to standing up and drinking water. However, when drinking water, drink it quietly and sitting down. This is because drinking too much water can affect digestion. Therefore, when drinking water, drink it calmly, slowly and slowly.

Weight gain during menstruation? 5 rules, weight control under permanent control


Menstrual weight gain (how to control weight in period) can be controlled by following the rules of eating, drinking and exercise. 

HighlightsMenstruation causes changes in hormones in the body. It affects weight. 

Many people face the problem of weight gain during menstruation. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Many are unable to exercise due to menstrual cramps and bleeding. It also increases the urge to eat during menstruation. The amount of eating increases. At such a time, the big question is how to control the weight in the period. For this, if 5 rules are strictly followed, the weight remains under control.

Why do you gain weight during menstruation?

Menstruation changes hormones in the body. The amount of estrogen in the body increases. It makes the body feel bloated, heavy. Along with estrogen, progesterone levels also increase. These changes in hormones increase appetite. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally. During

menstruation, on the one hand, eating increases and exercise decreases, which has a direct effect on weight gain.

To control weight during menstruation

1. Fiber should be included in the diet to maintain weight during menstruation. Fiber helps control appetite. When digesting fiber, body fat melts and metabolism speeds up. Fiber diet helps in weight control.

2. Drink plenty of water during menstruation. Drinking enough water keeps the body hydrated. Appetite stays under control and water helps to flush out toxins from the body.

3. The temptation to eat during menstruation should be avoided. Meditation during the menstrual cycle can help control the mood swings and the urge to eat during this time. By keeping the mind calm during menstruationHealthyEmphasis should be placed on food intake only. 

4. Menstruation Many people do not exercise with the understanding that they do not want to exercise during menstruation, even though they do not have any special problems. But experts recommend light exercise during menstruation. With a little exercise, the heaviness of the body during menstruation can be reduced. 

5. Mental discomfort increases during menstruation. As a result, the consumption of tea and coffee This increases dryness in the body. This results in weight gain. Therefore, weight control can be done by controlling the consumption of tea and coffee during menstruation.   

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Only by making the right decision at the right time can the world know its worth; Read this story!

 If you want honesty in your work and also want people to take care of your work, then read this story!

Everyone's dream is that their work should be noticed, their share should be appreciated, their salary should also be increased.  This is your reasonable expectation not only from your job, but also from your home, to the society.  Let us know what is the solution to such a situation.

An old employee of a company is retiring.  A young engineer is overwhelmed by the honor he received at his retirement.  I wonder if we will be able to experience such a ceremony at the time of our retirement.  Retired employees then share their experiences with the staff present, saying, 'Rest at work is also important.  Only then will there be room for introspection and improvement in the work.  The second thing is to be able to maintain balance in all matters.  The young engineer takes his words to heart and he, who has never taken a vacation, suddenly takes a vacation one day.  When he comes to work on the second day of the holiday, his superiors call him and tell him how much trouble there is in the company in his absence.  He handles everything responsibly.  The company envies him.  Its value is realized and the price increases.  Were promoted.  The engineer is happy.

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves.  The company fires him, seeing that his work is hampered.  The engineer regrets and visits the retired employee and asks what went wrong.

Retired employees give a poignant answer to this, किंमत The price of a light bulb that shines every day is known when it is turned off at some point.  But if the lamp goes out frequently, it will be convenient for people to remove it and replace it with a new one.  You have shown your worth, your existence.  But the other thing I said was to keep the balance, but you didn't do it.  So you have to recognize your value.  For others, you have to show your worth by not rushing to the hacker every time.  But, if your role is not clear about where to say yes and where not, then your right price in life will not be anywhere.  When it is achieved, you will automatically climb the ladder of success.
     With this ear mantra in mind, let us also recognize our value and show the value of our existence to others.  Of course, striking the right balance!

Thursday, June 9, 2022

These things are mixed in toothpaste! Did you know


Have you ever wondered what is added to toothpaste that cleans your teeth?

When we wake up in the morning, we first brush our teeth.  You may have noticed that many people find toothpaste so tasty that they eat it.

Have you ever wondered what is added to toothpaste that cleans your teeth?

Today we are going to find out what ingredients are included in the daily toothpaste.

A few years ago, it was reported that animal bone powder was mixed in toothpaste.

When the issue of mixing bone powder in toothpaste came up, people started turning to neem sticks (teeth).

However, all these things have become obsolete.  Now, whether it is a village or a city, almost everyone uses toothpaste to clean their teeth.  There are very few people who use toothpaste.

According to reports, germs in teeth are removed by mixing calcium carbonate and dehydrated silica gel into toothpaste.

In addition, fluoride is added to toothpaste.  It strengthens the teeth and prevents them from breaking.

Glycerol and propylene are used in toothpaste packets to prevent toothpaste from drying out.

You may have noticed that toothpaste tastes a bit sweet.  For this, sweeteners are put in the toothpaste.  Toothpaste also contains natural gums and synthetic cellulose.

Have you ever wondered why there is a white face when using toothpaste?  For this, sodium laurel sulphate is mixed in the toothpaste.

You may be surprised to know that snail shell, charcoal, bark, ash and bone powder were used to make toothpaste decades ago.  However, this is a thing of the past.

Colgate was banned in Japan in 2015.  At that time, it was discussed that animal bone powder was mixed in it.

The dispute escalated to the point that Japan decided to ban Colgate.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Spider webs like in the house? Try these cruel measures, they will not come back


Here are some tips and tricks to get rid of spider webs at home. With the help of which you can clean the spider web immediately and there will be no long time spider web

Everyone pays special attention to the cleanliness of their home. Despite regular cleaning, spider webs can be seen in the corners of the house. Spider webs look bad and are scary to clean. Being a poisonous spider can also cause an infection in your skin. Spider webs reappear in a few days after cleaning. There are nets in the corners of the house or in places where cleaning is not easy and regular. This problem occurs in many homes. Here are some tips and tricks to remove spider webs at home. With the help of which you can clean the spider web immediately and there will be no long time spider web

Easy way to get rid of cobwebs -

Use Bleach -

You can use bleach to remove any kind of pests in the house.  The pungent smell of bleach destroys spiders as well as their eggs.  It smells very spicy.  For this, first cover your hands and face.  Then mix 1 cup bleach in 1 cup water and fill in spray bottle.  Now spray on the netted area.  After a while, clean the area with a broom.

Use garlic -

The smell of garlic is also very pungent. To clean the grill in the furniture, you can put peeled garlic cloves there. Spiders can't make nets because of the strong smell. Finely chop the garlic cloves to clean the netting on the wall. Spray through a spray bottle with water and spray on areas where spiders are constantly coming. This will also prevent spiders and other pests.

Use Lemon Flavored Cleaner -

You can also use lemon to get rid of house insects and pests. The cleaner you take for cleaning should taste like lemon. Insects, insects run away from the house due to the pungent and sour smell of lemon.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Why are electric plug pins cut in the middle? That is the answer


If you look carefully at the pin in this electric plug, you will see that there is a cut in the center of this pin.

There are many such things around us.  Which we keep thinking about.  But we don't even know the reason behind it.  One of them is the electric plug.  Many people have questioned the size or design of this plug that connects electricity to any electrical object.  These electric plugs have different designs.  It comes in different sizes.  For example, a two-pin plug or a three-pin plug.  If you think about it, you will notice that electric items that have more power have a three pin plug.

If you look carefully at the pin in this electric plug, you will see that there is a cut in the center of this pin.  These cuts will appear not only in three-pin electric plugs, but also in two-pin electric plugs.

 There are two types of three pin electric plugs.  The first has a brass pin and the second has an aluminum pin.  But pins that are made of brass are prone to rust or damage, so they are polished with nickel.  After that, the pins are cut.  That's why the shape of that pin looks like this.

 Let us now understand its function

Brass cut mark pin is a good conductor of electricity.  The current flows smoothly in it, but if the power exceeds the limit, the pins become hot.  These brass pins can also expand due to overheating.  Therefore, it can spread and stick in the socket and the cover can also be damaged.

 So to prevent overheating and resizing, a cut is made in the pin.  Whenever electricity flows in such a pin, the power is split in two due to the incision, so it does not heat up quickly.  Therefore, the risk of damage is less.

So the next time you take the plug, remember that Kurt is the mark, no.

 These 3 pin plugs are used for heavy items like air conditioners.  They use more electricity.  As a result more electricity flows through this plug.  If there are no cut marks on the three pins in them, they may change shape as the load increases.  So it must have cut marks.

 Three pin plugs are used for heavy applications, which last a long time.  Therefore, its plugs and pins must be strong to prevent it from getting damaged.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Do you know why they eat curd and sugar before leaving home?


You may have noticed that sweetening the mouth with curd sugar before leaving the house is a method that has been followed for many years.  By now, you may have heard the reason why doing this leads to success at work, nothing bad or unpleasant happens.  But there is no proof of how true this is.

You may be surprised to know this but this practice of Indian culture has a scientific basis.  Although the elderly at home do not know the exact cause, it is true that consumption is beneficial.

 Real yogurt is said to be the perfect food.  Because any food eaten with curd is easily digested.  At the same time, sugar helps to provide energy to the body instantly.  When you mix these two things together, the benefit is doubled.  This mixture is considered beneficial for physical and mental health, this mixture is recommended to eat in the morning in Ayurveda.

 Yogurt contains water, protein, fats, minerals, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, sugar, nutrients, calories, glucose.

The benefits of eating yogurt sugar

 Increases immunity

 Beneficial for urinary tract infections

 Improving digestion

 Less likely to have a heart attack

 Keeps the gut healthy

 Essential for mental health

 Importance of curd sugar in Ayurveda

 According to Ayurveda, curd is known as a 'cough enhancer' due to its nature.  It is recommended to eat it mixed with sugar to keep the body cool and calm in summer.  This mixture also helps to reduce stress and fatigue in the body, taking it together also improves memory and concentration.

Plastic Bottle: Is drinking water from a plastic bottle good for health?

  Use Of Plastic Bottle : Is Drinking Water From Plastic Bottle Really Good For Health? You don't know about it. Let's find out ......