Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Why is 'O' blood group so common? What is the science behind it?


Whenever the subject of blood group comes up. Then the question arises as to why 'O' positive or 'O' negative blood group is so common. The medical officer of the American Red Cross Society, Dr. Hear the answer to this question from Ross Heron. The scientific reason behind this is Dr. By Heron.

Most people's blood type is 'O'. Let us understand the answer from an American example. Dr. Ross Heron says that 45% of people in the United States have an O blood group. Of these, 38% are O group positive and 7% are O negative. The biggest reason for this is heredity. (PS: Fierce)

Simply put, human race has the biggest role in blood type. 

Dr. Heron says what kind of people are scattered in different parts of the world. Each clan has a blood type. There are more Caucasians in the world. The origin of these tribes is connected with Europe. These are people of white descent. Most of these people have blood group 'O'. (PS Lighthouse) Human blood groups are genetic. Depending on the genes inherited from the mother and father. Like the blood groups of mothers and fathers, their offspring have blood groups or the blood groups of the human race match their parents. People with 'O' blood group have a special gene. Which change very little time. When a person of 'O' blood group marries a person of 'A' or 'B' blood group. Then the children's blood type becomes A, B or O. Dr. According to Ross Heron, the gene is passed on to the next generation because it is O-positive in the population. So the number of such people is high and blood type is common. (PS: University of Pennsylvania)

Find out why blood group 'O' is special. If your blood type is 'O negative' then you can donate blood to any person of any other blood type. Therefore, there is always a risk of low blood O-negative blood group (PS: Emoha).

Friday, December 31, 2021

Mudra For Digestion: Get Rid Of Stomach Cleansing, Flatulence, Flatulence In 5 Minutes, Just Do It 1!

 Are you one of those people who has constant digestive problems?  If the answer is yes, then you can get rid of this problem through yoga.  Let us know about Pushan Mudra.

Mudra is a symbolic gesture in which the position of the fingers and the hand are quite different.  This is how you often see the position of fingers and hands while dancing, painting or sculpting.  Mudra has a special cultural significance in our country and in a particular religion.  It is said that different postures benefit people's health in many ways.  It is said that these postures affect the flow of energy through the body.  We will also tell you that Mudrechya The medium helps in maintaining the balance of receptive energy, oxygen and all kinds of energy etc.  Apart from this, assimilation and elimination also play an important role in maintaining the energy balance in the body.

 What is Pushan Mudra?

There are three main gases in the body, known as prana, van and apan.  We would also like to tell you that Pushan Mudra can give benefits for these three gases.  It is important to know that it strengthens the stomach, reduces stress and improves memory.  The most important thing is that this posture works to completely improve your digestion.

Benefits of Pushan Mudra

Pushan Mudra does not cure any disease.  But it can relieve bloating, nausea, and all kinds of gastrointestinal problems after a meal.  In addition to these physical problems, Pushan Mudra can also relieve anxiety and stress.  It can also relieve mental and emotional stress.

How to do Pushan Mudra with straight hand

The position of both hands while performing Pushan Mudra will be different from that of many other Mudras.  In this, the fingers of your right hand are in the receptive position and the fingers of the left hand are in the eliminating position.  In that case, you should start with the right hand.  In this, press your middle finger and index finger on the tip of the thumb.  During this period, the ring finger and the ring finger are to be stretched. In addition, your palm will be facing upwards as shown in the photo.  This mudra can eliminate the problem of acid reflux which occurs in large quantities after a meal.  The following conditions can help control your gas, constipation, indigestion and bloating.  To do this, press your ring finger and thumb together with your thumb.  At the same time the index finger and middle finger will be open and the palm of the hand will be towards the sky.

Method of doing Pushan Mudra with inverted hand

Pushan Mudra of the opposite hand is performed to get rid of stomach problems.  For this, place the hand upside down i.e. the palm towards the ground and press the middle finger and ring finger with the thumb at the same time.  In the meantime, your index finger and forefinger will be exposed on the outside.  Now place the back of your hand on your thighs.  In addition, increase the pressure on the thumb with the fingers while inhaling and decrease the pressure while exhaling and then relax.

You can practice this posture in any position.  As you can do between Vajra Mudra or Anugraha Mudra.  It should be noted that these postures only work to improve digestion.  This posture can be done 45 minutes daily at five minute intervals.  Also you can do this posture anytime and anytime.

Apan Mudra

This mudra is a very effective mudra which helps to detoxify your body and get rid of the problem of poor digestion.  In addition, this mudra also provides relief from urinary tract disorders and stress.  Not only this, if you do this posture regularly, it will also benefit your respiratory system and prevent problems like constipation. Relax.  Also, this posture makes the process of passing stool and urine much easier.

 Apan mudra method

 1. To perform this Mudra, first of all you should come to the position of Dhyana Mudra, Shavasana or Suptabaddhasana Konasana

 2. Then place the third finger and ring finger of both your hands on the thumb and close your eyes and focus on your breathing. 

3. All you have to do is do this seat for 15 to 20 minutes 

 Note - Remember that you should only use these seats on an empty stomach.  If you have eaten, do Asana or Mudra only 2 hours after the meal.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Should I drink water after waking up in the morning? Hot to drink? What exactly is true-false?


Health Tips: Drinking water on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning is good for health. There are many health benefits to regular exercise, say dieticians.

HighlightsOften the water we drink on an empty stomach in the morning is a question of whether it should be lukewarm, hot or cold.After waking up in the morning to brush Water Drink it Of health(health tips) and better in terms of hygiene. A glass before any morning drinkWater Starting the day by drinking HealthyIs. Often the water we drink on an empty stomach in the morning is a question of whether it should be lukewarm, hot or cold. The answer to this question is also given by dietitian Dr. Contributed by Alka Karnik . First of all let us know the benefits of drinking 1 glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning. (benefits of drinking water in early morning)

1. The body was clean. (body detox) Drinking water every morning after waking up before taking any drink helps to cleanse your body from inside. Drinking water on an empty stomach is a great way to naturally detoxify the body. This pushes the toxins out of the body and helps to cleanse the body from the inside out. 

2. For those suffering from bouts of good makes it difficult to frequent colds which people, they drink hot water on an empty stomach in the morning. This is because nasal congestion and sneezing often occur around morning. Drinking hot water helps in clearing the phlegm from the body and reduces the discomfort of cold.

3. Weight Loss People who are trying to lose weight should try this remedy. This improves the metabolism of the body. This helps in proper digestion of the food eaten and then no excess fat is stored anywhere in the body. This definitely helps in weight control.

4. Digestion is a simple and effective remedy for those who suffer from indigestion. Drinking lukewarm water every day not only cleans the stomach properly but also reduces constipation, bile, indigestion, nausea and gas. 

5. Even for the best for skin, you don't drink water all night long. Therefore, it is important to drink water first thing in the morning. This is because it stops the skin from becoming dehydrated. The skin stays hydrated. Her freshness lasts. This remedy is also good for those with dry skin. 

What experts say (Expert says) Before taking any other drink in the morning, if you take lukewarm water, its health benefits Alka Karnik said that this helps the body to secrete enzymes throughout the day in the right way and in the right amount. It has a positive effect on digestion. It also reduces urinary tract problems. This is because drinking water regularly in this way helps to flush out toxins from the body. Water does not have to be warm. Depending on the season, we can decide whether to drink warm water or not.  

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Amazing! Ivyasha butterflies wiped away the tears of the turtles, capturing the wonderful scene in the camera; WATCH VIDEO


Have you ever seen butterflies hovering around flowers?

Mumbai, Oct 23: phulapakharam (Butterfly) Where you might see it as vicaralyavarahi flowers. A butterfly with a flower in its name. The colorful flowers of different phulapakharam (Butterfly video)  look inside. But now that a video on social media (Social media) viral (Viral video) is, which is not a pretty phulapakharam phulambhovati kasavabhovati (Turtle) you see inside (turtle, Butterfly on) .

You know the relationship between a flower and a butterfly. But do you know the relationship between a turtle and a butterfly? If not here's a new video just for you! In it the butterflies were seen hovering around the turtle.

As you can see in the video, the butterflies are seen moving near the mouth of the turtle. They are sitting on the tortoise's mouth. What exactly are they doing there now? That is the question.

IFS officer Sushant Nanda shared this amazing video of turtles and butterflies on his Twitter account. He has also given information about the relationship between the two in his post.

According to the information given by Sushant Nanda in his post, these butterflies are drinking turtle tears. Salt is sodium in the water that comes out of a turtle's eye. Which they get from their carnivores diet. So butterflies are attracted to turtle tears.

It is even more beautiful to watch this video after getting the information of this video. It's as if the butterfly can't see the tortoise crying with Evelyn. As soon as tears come to his eyes, they come running and wipe away his tears, it seems. You have probably never seen such a wonderful sight.




Saturday, December 18, 2021

Best Time For Milk: According to Ayurveda, this is the right time and method of drinking milk

 As per Ayurveda, the best time to have milk is at night before you go to bed. For added benefits, you can have it with ashwagandha, which helps improve sleep and boosts your memory. Ayurveda recommends everyone to have milk, except those who are allergic to it.

We all know how important it is for our body to drink milk.  Milk is the whole diet.  As a result, milk should be consumed not only by children but also by adults.

If you eat and drink regularly, you are more likely to get the disease.  Everyone strives to be as healthy as possible.  You can maintain your fitness at a very low cost.  Regular drinking of milk also provides a huge supply of nutrients to our body.  Milk is beneficial not only for children but also for the health of adults.  In Ayurveda, milk has been given the status of complete diet.  According to Ayurveda (Ayurveda Remedies) our body is made up of the five Mahabhutas of earth, you, light, air and sky.  According to this, if you consume any food from time to time, the balance of these principles gets disturbed and you get infected.  Most people consume milk regularly.  But do you know the right time to drink milk?  Let's know when to drink milk according to Ayurveda.

 The right time to drink milk

-Milk can be consumed for breakfast.  But at this time, do not consume any other foods that contain salt in breakfast.  Never eat salty foods with milk.

 - You can consume milk at any time of the day.  But do not eat any salty or salty foods immediately before and after drinking milk.

 - According to the National Dairy Council, milk contains essential nutrients for maintaining your health.  Our body gets a total of nine nutrients through milk.

 - These properties keep the body healthy.  Milk contains calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus, niacin, riboflavin (B2), vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin B12.

How often should I drink milk after a meal?

You can also consume milk after dinner.  But you need to keep a minimum of two hours between dinner and drinking.  Only then can your body get the full benefits.

 -Drinking milk immediately after a meal can cause problems like food poisoning, gas, indigestion, vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea.  This is because milk and oil as well as salty foods are mutually exclusive.

The benefits of drinking milk for adults

Drinking milk supplies calcium to our body and also promotes proper brain growth.  This is generally considered appropriate for young children.  Because older people have the perception that their brain has developed.

 - But this story is completely wrong.  If the elderly are consuming milk then their brain does not get any benefit from it.

 - Drinking milk increases the secretion of dopamine, a hormone that calms the mind.  Which gives us peace of mind.

Milk relieves stress

The hormone dopamine works to calm your brain by relieving stress.  This is why you feel less physical stress after drinking milk.  It calms both the mind and the brain.

 - Drinking turmeric milk also relieves fatigue and physical pain.  This is because turmeric acts as a natural pain killer for the body.

 - According to health experts, drinking milk helps control your weight.  "The nutrients in milk help to nourish the whole body properly," said Dr. Brian Roy, an associate professor of applied health sciences at Brock University in Canada.

Get rid of smoking addiction

Milk consumption reduces smoking addiction, according to research.

 - According to researchers, if a person wants to smoke, he should drink one sip of milk.  This will help them to control their smoking addiction in a few weeks due to their willpower and milk properties.

 - Excessive consumption of a substance has adverse effects on the body.  This also applies to milk.  If you consume only milk throughout the day, it will have a bad effect on your health.  Excessive consumption of milk increases the risk of heart disease.

Is it right or wrong to drink water immediately after urinating ..? What exactly is the advice given by experts ..?


Many people question whether it is right or wrong to drink water immediately after urinating. We also tried to find the answer. We talked to some experts.

Many people are wondering whether they should drink water while urinating or whether they should drink water after urinating. Be careful if you drink water immediately after urinating. This habit can hurt you. Because this habit is wrong and you invite illness.

Needed to stay healthy

Experts recommend drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking water is essential for good health. It is said that we should drink plenty of water so that we can stay away from many diseases. But many things depend on when the water should be drunk. One of our faults is that we can invite illness. Therefore, many people have a question as to whether it is right or wrong to drink water immediately after urinating. We also tried to find the answer. We talked to some experts.

Urinary tract infections can occur

If you drink water immediately after urinating every day, then stop .. but if you are doing it sometime, no problem. But this habit is wrong if you drink water immediately. If you drink such water every day, you may get urinary tract infections. Experts say that you may experience kidney stones. So do not make such a mistake by mistake and if so, change it immediately.

Helping to get rid of dirt from the body

Drink water at least 10-15 minutes after urination. It is advisable to drink water before urinating. But even here, if you drink water 10-15 minutes before, it was a good benefit. The most important thing is to get up in the morning and drink two or three glasses of water on an empty stomach. This helps to get the dirt out of your body.

… So stay away from diseases

According to doctors or health experts, you should drink 3-4 liters of water daily. Dehydration also invites many ailments. Therefore, according to experts, for a healthy body, nothing should be too much or too little. If we do everything right, we can avoid many diseases.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Not only damage to the body, but also to the kidneys; Avoid the wrong habit of drinking water


Water contains the element of cooling and the nature of energy in the stomach is hot. Drinking water at meal time calms the fire. Which increases the desire to eat more. Not only that, drinking water during meals can also lead to obesity.

The role of water is considered to be important for the release of toxins in the body. Water is required for the transport of nutrients. The scientific significance of water has been explained in ancient medicine in Ayurveda. In addition, scientific information has been provided about the amount of water required by the body and the methods of consumption. People who 
drink only one glass of water throughout the day may experience complex health problems over time. Research has shown that the wrong habit of drinking water also has an adverse effect on the digestive system.

Low water intake, inviting disorders

Consumption of very little water in the body can lead to digestive disorders. If you consume large amounts of water before meals or if you have a habit of drinking water during meals, it can harm the digestive system. According to Ayurveda, such habits have a direct effect on the food condition of the stomach. Water contains the element of cooling and the nature of energy in the stomach is hot. Drinking water at meal time calms the fire. Which increases the desire to eat more. Not only that, drinking water during meals can also lead to obesity. 

Acceptance of habits, determination of health

- Never drink a glass at a time. Drink water slowly.

-Never drink water immediately before and after meals. This can lead to the breakdown of gastric juice in your body. This complicates the digestion and absorption of essential nutrients by your body.

- If you are thirsty, drink water 30 minutes before and after meals.

-If you feel thirsty at meal time, drink a glass of water instead of a glass of water.

Misdiagnosis, Kidney Injury:

Most people drink water while standing. Drinking water vertically can lead to health problems. Drinking water vertically has a major effect on the body's digestive system. Water is excreted directly from your digestive tract. Water does not provide essential nutrients to the body. This can lead to a lack of nutrients in the body and slow down the action of the bladder, which emits unnecessary substances. 

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