Friday, December 31, 2021

Mudra For Digestion: Get Rid Of Stomach Cleansing, Flatulence, Flatulence In 5 Minutes, Just Do It 1!

 Are you one of those people who has constant digestive problems?  If the answer is yes, then you can get rid of this problem through yoga.  Let us know about Pushan Mudra.

Mudra is a symbolic gesture in which the position of the fingers and the hand are quite different.  This is how you often see the position of fingers and hands while dancing, painting or sculpting.  Mudra has a special cultural significance in our country and in a particular religion.  It is said that different postures benefit people's health in many ways.  It is said that these postures affect the flow of energy through the body.  We will also tell you that Mudrechya The medium helps in maintaining the balance of receptive energy, oxygen and all kinds of energy etc.  Apart from this, assimilation and elimination also play an important role in maintaining the energy balance in the body.

 What is Pushan Mudra?

There are three main gases in the body, known as prana, van and apan.  We would also like to tell you that Pushan Mudra can give benefits for these three gases.  It is important to know that it strengthens the stomach, reduces stress and improves memory.  The most important thing is that this posture works to completely improve your digestion.

Benefits of Pushan Mudra

Pushan Mudra does not cure any disease.  But it can relieve bloating, nausea, and all kinds of gastrointestinal problems after a meal.  In addition to these physical problems, Pushan Mudra can also relieve anxiety and stress.  It can also relieve mental and emotional stress.

How to do Pushan Mudra with straight hand

The position of both hands while performing Pushan Mudra will be different from that of many other Mudras.  In this, the fingers of your right hand are in the receptive position and the fingers of the left hand are in the eliminating position.  In that case, you should start with the right hand.  In this, press your middle finger and index finger on the tip of the thumb.  During this period, the ring finger and the ring finger are to be stretched. In addition, your palm will be facing upwards as shown in the photo.  This mudra can eliminate the problem of acid reflux which occurs in large quantities after a meal.  The following conditions can help control your gas, constipation, indigestion and bloating.  To do this, press your ring finger and thumb together with your thumb.  At the same time the index finger and middle finger will be open and the palm of the hand will be towards the sky.

Method of doing Pushan Mudra with inverted hand

Pushan Mudra of the opposite hand is performed to get rid of stomach problems.  For this, place the hand upside down i.e. the palm towards the ground and press the middle finger and ring finger with the thumb at the same time.  In the meantime, your index finger and forefinger will be exposed on the outside.  Now place the back of your hand on your thighs.  In addition, increase the pressure on the thumb with the fingers while inhaling and decrease the pressure while exhaling and then relax.

You can practice this posture in any position.  As you can do between Vajra Mudra or Anugraha Mudra.  It should be noted that these postures only work to improve digestion.  This posture can be done 45 minutes daily at five minute intervals.  Also you can do this posture anytime and anytime.

Apan Mudra

This mudra is a very effective mudra which helps to detoxify your body and get rid of the problem of poor digestion.  In addition, this mudra also provides relief from urinary tract disorders and stress.  Not only this, if you do this posture regularly, it will also benefit your respiratory system and prevent problems like constipation. Relax.  Also, this posture makes the process of passing stool and urine much easier.

 Apan mudra method

 1. To perform this Mudra, first of all you should come to the position of Dhyana Mudra, Shavasana or Suptabaddhasana Konasana

 2. Then place the third finger and ring finger of both your hands on the thumb and close your eyes and focus on your breathing. 

3. All you have to do is do this seat for 15 to 20 minutes 

 Note - Remember that you should only use these seats on an empty stomach.  If you have eaten, do Asana or Mudra only 2 hours after the meal.

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