Monday, July 12, 2021

Miserliness has reached its limit! What she does to save money; You will be annoyed just by reading

 If you understand this woman's way of saving money, you will call her the most stingy woman in the world.

Pricing and saving after shopping is one of the best skills of every housewife. No one can hold their hand frugally. This is why so many women are called stingy. But a woman in America has claimed that she is the most frugal woman in the world and if you really know what she does to save money, you will call her the most stingy woman in the world

Becky Guiles, 41. According to reports, Becky lives with her husband Jay, 7-year-old George and 4-year-old Colden. Becky quit her ,000 25,000 job and became a housewife. She preferred to spend time with her children.

According to Becky, saving money means making money. She had saved so much in the first year that she was compensated for the loss of her job. She claims that you can buy anything in the world very cheaply or even for free. She uses different funds to save money. You will be amazed if you see her ways to save money.

Becky decorates her home herself. This decoration is made from waste to durable. If things go awry, Neet does it himself. That's fine. Most people do this to save money. But Becky has gone beyond that. Which you may never have thought of.

You may be surprised but she has also cut off the water supply to her house to save money. She uses the water to collect the snow that falls outside. She grinds her teeth with this ice.  There is usually a washing machine for washing clothes and a dishwasher for washing dishes. She washes dirty clothes and utensils in the washing machine. So that no more water is required and the cost of soap is also saved. But Becky washes both clothes and utensils in the washing machine. She makes her family members do the same.

She even keeps track of what she eats. When she eats too much, she even collects money from her husband. Her husband Jay said, "If we order Mozzarella sticks, it will have four pieces and I ate three pieces. Becky says Jay will have to pay you 75 percent."

Do you know if this woman is more stingy than someone who is stingy now or if someone is calling you stingy, then you must share this news with that person, so that that person will also know that someone is stingier than you.

Find out how long stored food is safe; Rice and fruit are good for as long as possible

 Find out how many days it is safe to keep food, fruits and vegetables in the fridge.

In the busy life of the city, it is not possible to cook fresh food every time one is hungry. This often happens with busy people, who often cook and freeze food to save time. The purpose of storing leftover food in the refrigerator is either food spoilage This is to avoid or save time. Food kept in the fridge can prevent spoilage, but can it prevent your health from spoiling? To find the answer to this question, find out how many days it is safe to keep food, fruits and vegetables in the fridge. 


Eat cooked rice kept in the refrigerator within 2 days. Refrigerated rice should be set aside at room temperature before eating. Then eat only after the rice is properly heated.

Chapatti in the fridge can cause stomach ache

If you keep wheat chapati roti in the refrigerator, it is best to eat it within 12 to 14 hours after it is ready. Failure to do so will result in loss of nutritional value. It can also cause you stomach ache.

How many days can you eat pulses in the fridge?

If there is any leftover dal in the food and you have kept it in the fridge to prevent it from spoiling, eat it within 2 days. After 2 days, after eating dal kept in the fridge, gas starts to form in the stomach.

How to keep sliced ​​fruit?

Sometimes the cut fruit remains. At such times people keep them in the fridge for later use. But there is a definite time to eat each fruit. This fruit is then contaminated.

Papaya does not last more than six hours

If you keep sliced ​​papaya in the fridge, you should eat it within six hours. Papaya starts spoiling after 8 hours after cutting. If you eat it after 12 hours, it is as harmful as it is beneficial at harvest time. It can act like a slow poison for your body.

Apples and other fruits

If the apples are kept for a long time after cutting, they start oxidizing. This causes its top layer to turn black. It does no harm. But it is better to eat apples in 4 hours after cutting. If you have cut any fruit, do not eat it after 6 to 8 hours.

How to keep foods fresh in the fridge

Often people keep cooked food on the same shelf in the fridge along with raw vegetables. Doing so causes the bacteria to grow in the freezer and food can spoil quickly. Aside from raw and cooked food, the virus does not get into it. It is best to keep cooked food in a steel container.

There is also a fixed time to keep fruits and vegetables in the fridge. They should be eaten before the end of this period. Only then can the body get its nutrients.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Individuals of this blood group should eat less chicken-meat; Reason ...

 According to the blood group, if a person eats food, it helps in quick digestion of food.

Often a nutritious diet does not improve the health of many. There can be various reasons for this. However, according to experts, if a person follows a diet similar to his blood group, it will definitely have a positive effect on his health. According to the blood group, if a person eats food, it helps in quick digestion of food.

According to a WebMD report, each blood group has a specific appearance. So your eating habits are directly related to your blood type. There are four types of blood groups: O, A, B and AB. Let's find out which blood group should be fed.

O blood group

Individuals of this blood group should followa high protein diet. This should include foods like pulses, meat, fish, fruits. Similarly, grains and beans should also be included.

What should people of blood group A eat?

People with blood type A should include tofu, seafood and a variety of pulses in their diet in addition to greens. You can also make a good combination with olive oil, dairy products, corn and seafood.

What people of A blood group should not eat

According to experts, individuals with blood type A have a very sensitive immune system. That is why they should take care of their food and drink. Experts advise such people to eat a meat-free diet. Because the body of these individuals cannot easily digest meat, these people are advised to eat less chicken-meat.

B blood group

Individuals of B blood group are considered lucky in terms of eating. These people can eat green leafy vegetables, fruits, fish, meat and chicken. According to experts, these individuals have a good digestive system. This prevents fat from accumulating in their body.

People of AB blood group should eat a balanced diet

AB blood group is seen in very few people. These people should eat more fruits and vegetables.

With increasing age, some people may experience problems such as high blood pressure, low blood pressure or diabetes. In such cases, people of all blood groups should consult their doctor once about diet. Experts can suggest the right diet based on the medical condition.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

If water and milk are heated, the water does not overflow, but what causes the milk to overflow?

Although this happens because there is a difference between the density of water and milk, my experience is that if you put the pan on a large gas filled with water on the edge, the water will boil and overflow the gas.

The rest of the answers given earlier are detailed.

Thanks for the question request

There is a big difference between milk and water.

Milk is made up of an emulsion of water and fat. Milk contains a lot of fats, proteins - mainly proteins called casein. These elements i.e. fats and casein are not soluble in water but they are floating in water.

When we heat milk, for the first time some of its casein and fat are separated from water. Since these elements are lighter than water, a layer of them forms on the water. When the milk is further heated, the water under this layer starts evaporating. This vapor goes up and gets stuck in the formed layer on the milk.

When the milk is further heated, more water evaporates. Due to the pressure of this vapor, the layer on the milk is gradually lifted and this is what we call milk overflow.

There is no such thing as milk in water so there is no question of overflow. The water evaporates and goes straight up.

What if humans didn't have bones


Your body has a total of 206 bones that look like a skeleton. These bones have the strength to withstand the weight of our body. Let me tell you that if our body does not have bones then our body is not worth doing anything. Bones are extremely strong and they play a different role in the body.

Today we are going to tell you some things related to bones which you will be shocked to know.

This bone of the body can withstand the weight of 6 cars, know these 10 things related to bones

Your body has a total of 206 bones that look like a skeleton. These bones have the strength to withstand the weight of our body. Let me tell you that if our body does not have bones then our body is not worth doing anything. Bones are extremely strong and they play a different role in the body. Today we are going to tell you some things related to bones which you will be shocked to know

At the time of our birth there are 306 bones in the body but as we get older, their number decreases to 206.

More than half the bones of the body are in the arms and legs.

The total bones of the human body weigh 14 percent of our body weight.

Humans and giraffes have equal bones in their bodies.

The smallest bone of the human body is our ear which is known as steppe.

The largest bone in the human body is in our thighs called the femur.

Every 7 years our body renews the bones which means that the old bones are replaced by new bones.

When something hits the elbow, we feel an electric current, it is due to the nerves.

Our thigh bone is so powerful that it can withstand the weight of 6 cars.

The arm bone can withstand the greatest weight.

Monday, July 5, 2021

World Oceans Day: Why and how has the risk of hurricanes increased in the Arabian Sea?

 Nature' last year and 'Taukte' this year. For the second year in a row, the Konkan has been hit by a cyclone before the monsoon. The effects of both these storms have been felt far from the coast.

Considering the North Indian Ocean region, ERVs are usually seen forming hurricanes for the first time in the Bay of Bengal at the end of summer. But this year, the first hurricane of the season has formed in the Arabian Sea.

Not only that, but since 2019, the number of hurricanes rising in the Arabian Sea and their intensity has increased.

But is the Arabian Sea really that turbulent? What should be the reasons for this?

Hurricanes rising in the Arabian Sea

The formation of a hurricane depends on two things. Seawater, especially surface temperature and wind direction.

You can watch this BBC Marathi video to know how cyclones are formed.

But in short, if the temperature at the top of the water rises, it evaporates and moves upwards. So a low pressure belt is formed there. Then the cool air from the surrounding atmosphere begins to flow in a circular direction.

Considering the Indian subcontinent, the Bay of Bengal is shallow in many places. "The Bay of Bengal has a high water surface temperature. It is a hot sea. So there are very strong cyclones," said Dr. Krishna Kumar, head of the Indian Meteorological Department. Mrityunjaya Mahapatra says.

The Arabian Sea is relatively deep, with relatively cold water. As a result, fewer cyclones form in the Arabian Sea than in the Bay of Bengal, and their intensity is lower, experts say.

But in the last three or four years, the picture has changed.

This is the 11th hurricane to hit the Arabian Sea in the last three years. It is also the second most severe cyclonic storm to form in the Arabian Sea in the last three years.

In 2018, three hurricanes, Sagar, Mekanu and Luban, formed in the Arabian Sea. But all three storms turned westward towards Yemen and Oman.

In the year 2019, a record number of storms were set in the Arabian Sea, and in the same season, five cyclones were recorded here namely Vayu, Hikka, Kyaar, Maha, Pawan. Two of the cyclones, Vayu and Maha, moved north to Gujarat-Pakistan.

In early June 2020, a natural cyclone hit the shores of Shrivardhan-Diveagar in Raigad district of Maharashtra. In November, Hurricane Gati hit Somalia.

After nature, cyclone Taukte has washed away the Konkan coast within a year.

Why is the Arabian Sea rough?

These rising hurricanes in the Arabian Sea have also caught the attention of the world. According to experts, the temperature in the Arabian Sea is rising, and that is why the number and intensity of hurricanes are increasing there.

According to a report released by the Indian Meteorological Department in 2019, the surface temperature of the Arabian Sea has increased significantly in the last decade. According to the report, the surface temperature of the Arabian Sea rose by 0.36 degrees Celsius in 2019 compared to 1981-2010.

For the formation of a hurricane, the surface temperature of the ERV sea has to be 27 degrees Celsius. When the hurricane struck, temperatures in the Arabian Sea rose to 32 degrees Celsius, according to meteorological records.

In fact, climate change is likely to change the number and nature of storms around the world, experts say. There is also a paradox here.

The surface temperature of the sea has to be high to form a hurricane. But global warming is causing sea levels to rise. Also, in some places, melting glaciers are mixing with the sea, which is likely to lower the surface temperature. Some scientists believe that this could reduce the number of hurricanes.

For example, as the temperature of the Arabian Sea rises, the surface temperature in the Bay of Bengal may decrease. That is why the intensity of storms may increase in the Arabian Sea instead of the Bay of Bengal.

Researcher H. from Japan. Murakami, M. Sugi and a. In a 2012 research paper, Kitoh said that the frequency of cyclones in the Arabian Sea would increase by 46 per cent, while in the Bay of Bengal it would decrease by 31 per cent.

Abhijeet Ghorpade, editor of Bhavatal magazine and an environmentalist, says, "It would not be appropriate to make a definite prediction of what the picture will be like in the coming three years. But the next step must be taken keeping in mind the changing nature of hurricanes in the Arabian Sea."

Scientists, however, do not seem to be at odds with the increasing intensity of hurricanes.

Mumbai and Konkan threatened?

Even if a cyclone hits the Arabian Sea, it is less likely to hit Mumbai directly.

"Equatorial winds in the Northern Hemisphere blow from east to west, ie from Mumbai to the sea. The resulting cyclone moves further and hits the coast of Gujarat. Even if cyclonic conditions are created in the Arabian Sea, such storms often move away from Mumbai," says Abhijeet Ghorpade.

If you think of any storm in the oceans on earth, this is the picture you see. Although the storm in the Arabian Sea did not hit Mumbai directly, it could cause major damage in Mumbai and the Konkan, as cyclones Fayan in 2009 and Taukte in 2009 have shown.

Researchers also predict that sea levels in Mumbai will rise by 1.8 meters this century due to rising sea levels and global warming. Against this backdrop, even a low-intensity cyclone can cause major damage to the city and the Konkan coast.

Writer and novelist Amitabh Ghosh, who writes extensively on the environment, recalls in an interview with the BBC that "between 1998 and 2001, three cyclones hit the Indian subcontinent, killing 17,000 people."

In the ensuing twenty years, many improvements were made in the meteorological department and administrative systems. So now, despite the big storms, the damage seems to be relatively low. But if a storm hits Mumbai directly, there is still a fear of huge losses.

World Oceans Day: Do you know 'Angria Bank' coral island in the Konkan Sea?

 Blue sea, coral reefs and colorful swimming fish. When you think of such places under the sea, you can see places like the Great Barrier Reef or the Andaman-Lakshadweep in India.

But even in our Konkan, there is a place that is somewhat parallel to the beach. Her name is Angria Bank.

Known as Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre, the chief of the Maratha Armory, this place is a treasure hidden in the sea.

Surrounded by a variety of fish and corals, this place is a magical underwater world.

This is an overview of what Angria Bank is like, how the sea in Konkan has become prosperous because of it and what efforts are being made for the conservation of this place.

How was Angria Bank formed?

Angria Bank is a type of coral reef, about 110 km off the coast of Malvan and 105 km off the coast of Ratnagiri.

It is an underwater plateau. Its size is about 2011 square kilometers.

The Angria Bank is relatively shallower than the surrounding sea and has a depth of at least 24 meters to an average of 28 meters. The depth of the sea increases on both sides of the Angria Bank and in some places it is as deep as four hundred meters.

This region is part of the continental shelf. This means that this part was once on the water during the ice age. Then, about 11,650 years ago, when the last ice age ended, sea level rose and the area went under water.

Over the thousands of years since then, coral reefs and marine life have gradually flourished, and this coral island has taken shape.

At present, there are about one and a half thousand square kilometers of coral habitat. This means a slightly larger space than Mumbai.

Why is Angria Bank important?

Angria Bank is very important in terms of history, culture and biodiversity, says marine biologist Vardhan Patankar. Patankar has done research on the corals of Angria Bank.

"The area was used by Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre, the head of the Maratha armada, in the 18th century. "

That is why this area is named Kanhoji Angre. I mean, people have known about this place since time immemorial.

But how rich Angria Bank is in terms of biodiversity has become even clearer with recent campaigns. Marine biologists from the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation's IISDA in Malvan, a scuba diving training institute, the Kandalvan division of the state government, and CMLRE in Kerala, an organization under the Ministry of Economy, have conducted research in the area.

Vardhan Patankar had led the team of Wildlife Conservation Society of India in the 2019 expedition. The team had dived in the area 66 times in ten days and recorded about one and a half hundred species.

"The biodiversity here is unique. We have found many species like sharks, more eels, cooper fish and also observed coral colonies.

"Of course, only ten percent of the research has been done so far, and much more remains to be done."

Birthplace of fish

The coral habitat and the somewhat protected area of ​​the open sea are home to fish. In a way, it has become the birthplace of fish.

Fishing in Konkan also depends on the biodiversity of Angria Bank, says Patankar.

"Mechanical fishing trawlers cannot come here. This has given more protection to the fish. The fish come here for breeding and that is why Angria Bank is a big reason for the abundance of fish we get."

Thousands of people in the coastal region of Maharashtra depend on this fish for their livelihood and a large section of the population gets essential protein from it. So if the biodiversity on Angria Bank is destroyed, it will affect all of them.

Problems in the protection of Angria Bank

Due to global warming, Angria Bank, like other coral islands around the world, has a sword hanging over it, and environmentalists feel that efforts should be made to save the coral.

Patankar says, "There is a naval presence in the region. There were also proposals for drilling for oil and natural gas. All this poses a threat to the corals on the Angria Bank. But at present, the site is not protected by law."

"But the protection of Angria Bank is needed as it is the only coral reef left in Maharashtra and it would be unfortunate to allow it to be destroyed."

After many years of efforts, last year the Maharashtra government had given the green light to the proposal to declare this place as a protected area. With the consent of the Central Government, Angria Bank can get sanctuary status.

If that happened then it would be a big step forward. This is because Angria Bank falls in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of India.

Twelve nautical miles (22 kilometers) of sea is considered to be the maritime boundary of the country. The area up to 200 nautical miles from the coast is considered to be the exclusive economic zone of the country, which has the right to maritime resources and can be mined here for natural gas or oil.

Angria Bank could be the first marine sanctuary in the EEZ in India, after which other sites in the area could also get legal protection


There is also talk of developing Angria Bank in terms of tourism. But while doing such development, we have to control how many people go here, says Patankar.

But you can conserve this place without going to sea. For this, emphasis should be laid on prevention of sea pollution.

Patankar says, "We often forget about the sea or we just throw everything straight into the sea. But before we do that, it can make a difference if we stop and think a little.

"The use of plastics has increased, especially during the Covid period. But it is also important that the waste is disposed of properly. So when throwing away masks, it is important to think about the effect it will have on marine life."

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