Saturday, May 28, 2022

Why throw a coin in the river? Why take a bath after coming out of the cemetery? Find out the scientific reasons behind this

 Today we are going to learn some of the things that we do, but we do not know the scientific facts behind them.

Today we will learn about some of these beliefs and the scientific reasons behind them.

There are many beliefs that we have been running away from for a long time.  But we don't understand why we follow them.  But before doing any work, it is necessary to know its scientific side.  Today we will learn about some of these beliefs and the scientific reasons behind them.
The elders in your home tell you to do many things that have no logic behind them.  Surprisingly, many people come without knowing the reason behind doing these things They also follow things very strictly.  But, following only what is heard is superstition.

You may have seen many people hanging lemons and peppers outside their homes and shops.  It is said that doing so protects against the evil eye.  But the reality behind this is different.  In fact, lemons contain citric acid  And chili is spicy.  When it is hung outside the door, the sour and pungent odor prevents insects and spiders from entering the house.  It is good for your health.  When When health is good, you will do good deeds and the way to success will be open.

Similarly, there are many things that we do without knowing the reason.  But no practice is created by chance.  There is definitely a reason behind it.  Today we are going to learn some of the same things which We do, but we don't know the scientific facts behind it.

Throwing coins in the river:

 As you may have noticed many times, when a train or a bus crosses a river bridge, many people put coins in it.  But we don't know the reason why they do that.  In fact In the past, copper coins were used.  Copper has water purifying properties.  So in the past, when someone crossed a river, he would put a copper coin in it to purify the water.  Gradually it became a trend 

Became, which is still prevalent today.  Today there are no copper coins, but people still throw coins into the river, believing that their luck will shine.

 Cat lying down:

 If you go anywhere If the cat goes horizontal, then stand there for some time and then start the journey again;  Otherwise there is difficulty in work, it is said.  Therefore, it is considered inauspicious for you to have a cat lying down.  Many people change their ways when they see a cat lying down.  But to know why it has been said Don't try.  In fact, in the past people used to travel far by bullock cart and horse for business.  When a cat is seen walking through the woods at night, its eyes gleam, causing bulls and horses Scared.  So after seeing a cat on the road, people would stop for a while and start traveling again when the cat was gone.  Gradually, the meaning changed, and people considered it inauspicious for a cat to lie down.

Rule for 40 days after delivery:

 When a woman gives birth, she is told not to leave the room for 40 days.  But the reason is that after delivery the woman's body becomes very weak and she Special care is required.  If she is forced to work in such a situation, she will get into even more trouble.  These strict rules were made for his convenience.  Which is still followed today.

 Bathing after returning from the cemetery:

After returning from the cemetery, everyone takes a bath.  There is a scientific reason for this too.  In fact, harmful bacteria grow in the dead body.  Many such bodies are cremated in the cemetery.  Such People present there in the condition come in contact with these bacteria.  So it is necessary to take a bath after returning from the cemetery.

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