Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Why is Jivati ​​paper worshiped in Shravan? Know the significance and the exact meaning


The month of Shravan has begun. Throughout Shravan, various vratas, festivals are celebrated in the traditional manner, in a devotional atmosphere with great enthusiasm. Shravan begins with Deeppujana on the new moon of the month of Ashadh. On the same day, the living paper is pasted in the temple and worshiped.

Shiva Pujan is performed on Shravani Monday, Mangala Gaur on Shravani Tuesday, Mercury-Jupiter Pujan on Shravani Wednesday and Thursday, Zara-Jivantika Pujan on Shravani Friday, Ashwattha Maruti and Nrusinha Pujan on Shravani Saturday, Aditya Ranubai Pujan on Shravani Sunday.

Like last year, this year too, the corona is seen in Shravan. On the first day of Shravan, let's learn about the Jivati ​​paper and Jivati ​​worship, the specific order of the deities in this paper, its exact meaning ... 

The entire Shravan month Jivati ​​paper is worshiped by Matrishakti. The blessings of your children are prayed for at this time. This living paper is especially meaningful. This single image contains separate images of four different deities, apparently unrelated to each other. This image is worshiped all over Maharashtra. 

None of these deities or their place seems to have changed to this day. The living images include the deities Nrusinha, Kaliyamardana Balkrishna, Zara-Jivantika playing with the children and Mercury-Jupiter at the bottom. They are worshiped in this order.

Narasimha, the first incarnation of Vishnu in the living document, appeared for his child devotee Prahlada. This story is well known to all of us. The Lord incarnated in this incarnation with the main and original purpose of protecting baby Prahlada from Hiranyakashyapu, i.e. demons.

Lord Narasimha or Nrusinha is worshiped as the protector of children and the incarnation of the child devotee. It is believed that the deity Narasimha protects the baby from dangers such as falling from heights, food poisoning and fire damage.

After this, Balkrishna, who is doing Kaliyamardan, comes on the living paper. Although both Nag and Gopalakrishna are deities in Shravan, if we consider the Kaliyamardana incident, it is clear that while Krishna and his friends were playing, their ball went into the pool of Yamuna and Krishna brought it back.

Krishna removed the bad incident that befell the children who were playing and playing. He also ordered Kalia to leave without killing him. Krishna, who saves from reptiles, as well as protects them, saves children from bad luck while playing, is worshiped here in the form of Kaliyamardana. It is believed that these two deities protect babies from the calamities that befall them at home and abroad, so they have a place in the living image.

After this, in the living paper, they come to life. Zara was the original monster. She was in the country of Magadha. The old king of Magadha had a son with two different parts of his body. When he was born, he was thrown out of the city. At that moment, the demon matched the two shackles together and saved the baby's life. So the child came to be known as 'Jarasandh'.

Later, a festival of demons was started in Magadha country. People began to understand her as the mother of many children. She was worshiped from house to house. Living means longevity. It is said that Jivantika worship brings health, wealth and happiness in the home.

Mercury - Mercury comes last in the living paper. Mercury is sitting on an elephant, with a handle in his hand. Jupiter is shown sitting on a tiger and whipped. Under the influence of Mercury, a person acquires qualities like supernatural intelligence, attractive personality, eloquence. The influence of Jupiter awakens educational progress, spiritual advancement, conscience

Mercury's vehicle is an elephant. The elephant is a symbol of arrogance. From the image of Mercury, it is evident that in the madness that comes to the human mind, one should control one's intellect with one's intellect. Jupiter's vehicle is the tiger. It is a symbol of ego. Ego clings to the human mind quickly. Ego becomes a hindrance to human progress, a spiritual tool.

Jupiter teaches us that we should control it with the blessings of knowledge and Guru's grace. That is why Mercury-Jupiter has found a place in the living paper. This is the order of the living paper, first the protective deity, then the deity who protects and gives longevity to the children and finally the deity who influences the personality. Worship performed by one mother power to another guardian and guardian power is living worship.


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