Friday, August 13, 2021

Have you ever thought that Why does a person grow old? What is the science behind this?

 It is difficult to explain exactly why we are getting older. But according to scientists, when the human body ...

We see many stages in life. From childhood to adolescence, middle age and old age. But have you ever considered? Why are we getting old? Why does our body get old? So today we are going to give you a scientific answer to this.

It is difficult to explain exactly why we are getting older. But according to scientists, when the human body comes in contact with external factors, dust, dirt, pollution, etc., the quality of the body declines. Scientists have stated some facts about aging, which are part of the aging of the human body.

The first cause - mitochondria

The mitochondria are called the power house of the body, they control the activity of other cells along with them. If there is a decrease in the system of these mitochondria, then there is a decrease in many functions of the body. So as we get older, the amount in our body decreases which makes a person look old or aged.

The second reason - a decrease in telomeres

Your body continues to make new cells, which keeps the body young. But chromosomes have a big hand in safely separating these cells. The tip of a chromosome found inside a cell's DNA has a protective shield called a telomere. But due to continuous cell division, the number of these telomeres starts to decrease. Which causes the body to age.

The result of telomeres becoming part or division is that the cells replicate it or make new cells, but as the person ages, those cells are destroyed. As a result, wrinkles appear on the skin, hair falls out, vision is impaired, or hearing is impaired. 

The third reason - a decrease in the replication of stem cells

Stem cells are cells that have the ability to divide into different types of cells. They act as a repair mechanism in the body. There are mainly two types, embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

Stem cells are found in many parts of the body, but over time their replication gradually decreases. This causes the organs of the body to not function as before and causes problems. Such as knee pain and so on

The fourth reason- stem cell destruction

By adopting a healthy lifestyle, humans can save their stem cells from early destruction. This is because the worse the body's lifestyle, the harder these cells have to fight disease. As a result, they are quickly destroyed.

The fifth reason - the quality control of cell proteins

The function of cells decreases over time and then they are not able to detect proteins as before. As a result, toxic or bad proteins enter the body.

As a result, the metabolism speeds up which is dangerous for these cells. Symptoms such as premature aging, hair loss, fatigue, forgetfulness, loss of vision, etc. indicate that the body is overworked.

If the above facts are kept in mind, it follows that by improving your small habits, you can give your body a long life. Scientists are constantly engaged in the quest to save and revitalize the human body, on the other hand, we can also instill some good habits in our body so that we do not look old soon.

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