Saturday, October 8, 2022

Plastic Bottle: Is drinking water from a plastic bottle good for health?

 Use Of Plastic Bottle: Is Drinking Water From Plastic Bottle Really Good For Health? You don't know about it. Let's find out ...

Plastic Bottle: We usually carry a water bottle with us wherever we go out. Most of the bottles are made of plastic. We also often give plastic water bottles to small children. In addition, plastic water bottles are also used in many homes. But is drinking water from a plastic bottle really good for health? You don't know about it. 

Generally, bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical found in plastic bottles. It can be harmful if mixed with water. Therefore, when buying a bottle for water, it should be noted that it is BPA free. Most plastic bottles contain BPA. So a glass bottle can be useful

Water can stay in a glass bottle for many days, but keeping water in a plastic bottle for a long time changes its taste. Placing a plastic water bottle in the sun and drinking it can be harmful to the body. This is because the BPA chemical is quickly absorbed into the water by the sun's rays. So if you are going to use a plastic water bottle, keep it in the shade.  

If you have lemon water with you, a glass bottle is the best option. This is because the chemicals in the plastic bottle make it taste bad. If the plastic bottle is not washed properly, bacteria can grow in it. On the other hand, it is easier to clean a glass bottle than a plastic bottle.   

It is also beneficial to give milk from a glass bottle to small children. Glass bottles are prone to rupture, so choose a bottle with a silicone cover on it. Not every plastic bottle can be recycled. Even bottles of cold drinks cannot be recycled. At the top of these bottles is a triangle with 1 written on it. This means that this bottle can only be used once. If you reuse these bottles, you may get sick.

Bathroom doors rot due to constant wetness, do 4 solutions - Less risk of door damage

 How To Protect Bathroom Door From Water Wetness: This problem is seen in many homes. Try these simple solutions for this. A great cheap home solution to save the cost of replacing the door. 


If there are such doors in the house, then do some home remedies in time and save the big expenses in the future.

Toilet- Water is used frequently in the bathroom. Therefore, their doors get damaged from the lower side due to water. At first the doors become discolored, then they swell and then they blister and the doors crack. Gradually, the entire lower part of the doors starts to deteriorate. In rainy days, the door near the balcony or the washing place also suffers (how to make bathroom's wooden door waterproof?). Due to this, the door looks very dirty, but after a few months it also needs to be replaced. This cost is not small. That's why if there are such doors in the house, then do some home remedies in time and save the big expenses in the future

If the bathroom doors are getting wet...1. Waterproof Tape Waterproof tape is used to cover a leaking tank or bucket. We can protect the doors by using this tape. Buy transparent waterproof tape for this. Apply strips of this tape as far as the door reaches the door. It is better to change the bandages every 2-3 months. Moreover, being transparent, the look of the doors is not damaged. Waterproof tape can be found at online shopping sites or at your local hardware store.

2.        Tung oil  Tung oil is used to enhance the finish of wooden doors and protect them                 from water. 

         Apply this oil on the underside of bathroom doors. Apply this oil on the doors once in            six months or a year. This will not damage the doors. This oil can be found in                       furniture stores. Or you can also buy it online. 

3.        Another easy solution is oil paint . Get a plastic coated oil paint that matches the  color of your door and apply it to the door as far as it will go. The work will be done in 200 to 250 rupees. 

4.          If the aluminum leaf door is strong and can bear some load then this solution is  fine. If an aluminum or steel sheet is knocked from the inside of the door from below, there is no question of damaging the lower part of the door. 

Workout Tips: How much exercise should you do according to your age? Learn workout tips for all ages


Workout Tips: Exercising is very beneficial for the body. But if you exercise in a wrong way at such a time, it can be very harmful for the body.

Therefore, experts advise to do proper workout. By paying attention to which you can be completely fit from young age to old age. So let's find out here what type of exercise you should do especially according to your age.

From 09-19 years

Focus – Increasing muscle strength/speed/flexibility

There is no age limit for starting exercise, but it is a good idea to start a fitness plan from a young age. At this age one should take interest in outdoor sports like running, tennis, badminton, cricket, kabaddi.

At this age the coach's entire focus should be on muscle strength, flexibility and speed. Don't stress your body by overusing the machines in the gym. Involve children in activities such as stretching, lunging and crawling.

Also consider total body tension. According to many nutritionists, teenagers are very conscious about their body image. In such cases, only eat a balanced diet.

From 20-35 years

Focus – bone density and strong muscles

If you have a good start, you will be very fit at this age, but at the same time you will also face the effects of aging. This requires weight training along with cardio workouts.

It strengthens the muscles and strengthens the bones. These will help fight diseases like osteoporosis, which afflict people in old age, so instead of working out on machines, do weight lifting.

At this age working life also begins with college life, so maintain a proper balance of protein and carbohydrates to maintain energy in the body. Take adequate amounts of calcium and vitamins.

Up to 40-50 years

Focus on controlling belly fat

The workout plan at this age will remain the same as in the early days. Meanwhile keep belly fat under control. This problem is related to the endocrine system. Low testosterone hormone in men affects muscle and bone joints.

On the other hand, as women approach menopause, due to the lack of estrogen, the bones begin to weaken. In such cases, choose exercises that require you to stop after two minutes.

Repeat it after a minute rest. This is the best exercise to lose body fat. This improves the  

functioning of the nervous system as well as other parts of the body. At this age, the body needs more antioxidants.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Do mosquitoes bite you no matter how crowded? 5 reasons why only some people are bitten by mosquitoes.

 Mosquito Bite: Many people experience this. Many others are around. But mosquitoes come along and bite them. See why exactly this happens..

HighlightsIn every household there is one person who is always bitten by mosquitoes more than others.

There are some people around us, or often we are one of them, who get bitten by mosquitoes a lot. By scratching and scratching or by killing mosquitoes (mosquito bite), this group is on the one hand bereft. But at the same time other persons sitting next to these people are quite relaxed. Because they are not bitten by mosquitoes. In every household there is one person who is always bitten by mosquitoes more than others. (4 reasons why only some people are bitten by mosquitoes) That's why, looking at such people, the question arises that how are these people bitten by mosquitoes? Get the exact answer to the same question.

Why are some people bitten by mosquitoes a lot? 

1. People with blood  type O are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes than other people. Because mosquitoes are attracted to the blood group of these individuals.

2. Metabolism Individuals with a faster metabolism, i.e., a higher metabolic rate, are also more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes than others.

3. Components of sweat Mosquitoes are more attracted to people whose sweat contains more components like lactic acid, ammonia. It does not matter if the sweat is less or more. Mosquito bites depend on the quantity of the above components in sweat.
4. Bacteria on the body Individuals with more bacteria on their bodies are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes. Often mosquitoes bite our feet more, the reason being that the feet have more bacteria than the rest of the body.

5. Carbon Dioxide People with higher levels of carbon dioxide in their bodies are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes. People who yawn frequently or take deep breaths tend to have more carbon dioxide in their bodies. 

Monday, August 8, 2022

The small hole on your smartphone does the job! Features will get you out of the daily grind


If your smartphone has a small hole at the top, then your job is easy.

Smartphone Remote Access: The current era is known as the digital age.  There is a gadget for everything.  Digital revolution solves many of our problems.  With the power of technology, we get all the facilities we need to meet our needs.  The share of digital device is very big in this. If you have a smartphone, take a good look.  If your smartphone has a small hole at the top, then your job is easy.  By using this dot, you will get rid of the daily hassles.  This feature is given in most of the China phones.  This little hole is not just an IR blaster.

Infrared waves are thrown from the IR blaster.  Your TV and AC remote works exactly the same way.. through these infrared waves you can access TV and air conditioner.  Once you know about these features, you can operate your home gadgets through your smartphone.  You don't need to find a lost remote for this.  This feature is very useful if the remote of your home appliances is not working.

 If you want to use IR blaster to control TV and air conditioner in your home then you need to download IR blaster app for that.  Some smartphones have this app pre-installed but if your phone doesn't have this app, you can download it from Google Play Store.  After this the app needs to be paired with the device.  After a few minutes of process, you can operate your home appliances from your smartphone.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Caste of fishes! Among them are also Brahmins-Rajputs-Kayasthas,


Fishes have their own race.  Like- Brahmin Machili, Kayasth Machili and Firangi Machili... Even if this thing sounds funny to you, there is truth in it.  It is said that for a long time the country was divided into different religions and sects over food.  It was made a means of discrimination.  During the colonial period, this discrimination increased to such an extent that fish were distributed on the basis of caste and religion.

Vishnu Pal explained in his book 'Mansamangal' what is the relation between fishes and castes.  Mansamangal Kitab, written 4 centuries ago, describes 36 types of fish.  It is told in the book that the fishes are caught in the nets of the fishermen because of the grace of Maa Mansa Devi.  Now we understand how many species of fish have been mentioned in the book.

According to Kitab, Anabasa ie Koi Machili Ko Lohar Jati Ka Tahina Gaya Hai.  Tengra is said to be Rajput and Bali Machili is said to be Brahmin.  This is not enough, the most common fish commonly eaten is called Mangur Ko Mali Kaha Gaya.  At the same time, Bagi Nam ki Machili ko nai aur Gangtoda ko Kayasth jati se hai.  Apart from this, the garai fish found in pits are of Kisan se jati se hai.

It is said that today there is no ban on human consumption, but there was a time when human beings of every caste could not eat fish of every kind.  The fishes were also divided into castes.  The caste for which the food was fixed was that of the same caste.  Like- Katla Machili ko Kshatriya kaha gaya hai.

A fish is also excluded from Hinduism.  'Sal' Machili is said to be a Pathan caste of Muslims.  Not only this, why is Susak told to be a foreigner and Pera Machili to be Kevat Jati?  At the same time, Pothia fish is called Vaishya kaha gaya hai.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Does eating onion-eggplant-garlic in Shravan really cause any problems? Nutritionists say...


Why It is Suggested to Avoid Onion, Garlic And Brinjal in Shravan, Dietician Says : Along with religion, it is necessary to follow the rules of diet for health...

HighlightsNowadays we cannot say that ginger, garlic and onion should be stopped completely.
During this period it is said to eat light and easily digestible food. When the month of Shravan approaches, Kandenavami is compulsory for vegetarians. On this day special onion dishes are eaten as onions cannot be eaten for the next month or sometimes Charturmas i.e. next 4 months. Now not to eat onions and garlic in Shravana is associated with piety. In reality, it should be noted that the changes in diet are made according to seasonal changes for health. Nutritionist Sukesha Satwalekar gives some important information about this. 

1. What about the environment? 
The main reason behind saying not to eat onion and garlic during Shravan is that there is usually a lot of rain during this period. According to Ayurveda, there is a possibility of increasing Vata Dosha in the body during this period. During this period, the body gets dry and the digestive power weakens and bile accumulates. So it is said to eat light and easily digestible food during this period. 
2. One should avoid garlic, onion...
During the rainy season, there is a possibility of gas problems due to garlic, brinjal. As both of these things also increase the amount of vata, it is always better for those suffering from vata or gas to eat onion, garlic in small amounts or not at all. But we cannot say that everyone should stop eating onion, garlic and brinjal. 
3. Useful for self control
Adherence to dietary restrictions is important. It's best to train yourself to follow these restrictions. These constraints are very useful to be able to accept such constraints if we have to follow them for some reason in the future. We do not impose any restrictions on our own diet, but we can exercise some control over ourselves on this occasion.  

4. Benefits of Garlic, Onion...
Garlic and onion contain some cholesterol-regulating compounds. Garlic is also very useful for increasing immunity. Onion and garlic are great prebiotics, which means they are helpful for the growth of probiotics. They maintain a good balance of friendly bacteria in the gut and overall health. Both of these are very helpful in neutralizing estrogen and toxins entering the body through diet. Therefore, we cannot say that ginger, garlic and onion should be stopped completely. Both of these are very useful to protect against monsoon diseases like typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea. 

Plastic Bottle: Is drinking water from a plastic bottle good for health?

  Use Of Plastic Bottle : Is Drinking Water From Plastic Bottle Really Good For Health? You don't know about it. Let's find out ......