Saturday, July 30, 2022

Does eating onion-eggplant-garlic in Shravan really cause any problems? Nutritionists say...


Why It is Suggested to Avoid Onion, Garlic And Brinjal in Shravan, Dietician Says : Along with religion, it is necessary to follow the rules of diet for health...

HighlightsNowadays we cannot say that ginger, garlic and onion should be stopped completely.
During this period it is said to eat light and easily digestible food. When the month of Shravan approaches, Kandenavami is compulsory for vegetarians. On this day special onion dishes are eaten as onions cannot be eaten for the next month or sometimes Charturmas i.e. next 4 months. Now not to eat onions and garlic in Shravana is associated with piety. In reality, it should be noted that the changes in diet are made according to seasonal changes for health. Nutritionist Sukesha Satwalekar gives some important information about this. 

1. What about the environment? 
The main reason behind saying not to eat onion and garlic during Shravan is that there is usually a lot of rain during this period. According to Ayurveda, there is a possibility of increasing Vata Dosha in the body during this period. During this period, the body gets dry and the digestive power weakens and bile accumulates. So it is said to eat light and easily digestible food during this period. 
2. One should avoid garlic, onion...
During the rainy season, there is a possibility of gas problems due to garlic, brinjal. As both of these things also increase the amount of vata, it is always better for those suffering from vata or gas to eat onion, garlic in small amounts or not at all. But we cannot say that everyone should stop eating onion, garlic and brinjal. 
3. Useful for self control
Adherence to dietary restrictions is important. It's best to train yourself to follow these restrictions. These constraints are very useful to be able to accept such constraints if we have to follow them for some reason in the future. We do not impose any restrictions on our own diet, but we can exercise some control over ourselves on this occasion.  

4. Benefits of Garlic, Onion...
Garlic and onion contain some cholesterol-regulating compounds. Garlic is also very useful for increasing immunity. Onion and garlic are great prebiotics, which means they are helpful for the growth of probiotics. They maintain a good balance of friendly bacteria in the gut and overall health. Both of these are very helpful in neutralizing estrogen and toxins entering the body through diet. Therefore, we cannot say that ginger, garlic and onion should be stopped completely. Both of these are very useful to protect against monsoon diseases like typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea. 

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