Sunday, April 11, 2021

Why are most wells round in shape? Do you know the reason behind this?


There are some scientific reasons behind making the shape of a well round.

Nowadays, tap water is supplied to people's homes. Pipelines have been laid to deliver it to homes. Water can be easily reached even at high altitudes by using a pump. Now no one uses wells because of pumps and pipelines. Most of the time the wells in the city are not being used and the wells are overflowing. In many places, wells in rural areas have dried up.

Until a few years ago, water was supplied to entire villages or towns from one or two wells. Preferably well water is used for drinking. But have you ever wondered why the shape of a well is round? Why are they built round?

The reason for giving the wells a round shape

There are some scientific reasons behind making the shape of a well round. The main reason for this is that whenever water rises inside a well, it rotates in a single circle and it starts to come up and fill the well. But if the well is square, the water can weaken the lower wall of the well. The advantage of having a well round is that the water will not hit the wall of the well, and the risk of the wall breaking due to strong flow of water is very low.

Strength when collecting water

When digging a well, it can be easily drilled into a round shape. Also, the round shape strengthens the water storage in the well. If the well is made in a square shape, the water pressure falls on all four corners and the risk of weakening the wall increases. Not only that, the wall of the well is round so its wall does not fall. If the well is made square, it will have four walls and if any part of it falls, the whole well may be in danger. The round well is able to withstand more pressure.

Video | This crow speaks well, see what it says?

 This crow is talking like a man and saying hi, hello. Many people are disturbed by this trick of the crow.

Millions of videos are uploaded to social media every day. It also contains videos of humans and animals. Videos of these animals are viewed with interest by netizens. Currently a video of a crow is going hugely viral on social media. This crow is talking like a man and saying hi, hello. Many people are disturbed by this trick of the crow. Many are smiling after watching this video. (crow speak English say hi hello video goes viral)

What exactly is in the video?

So far you have seen many crows. You may have seen all these crows crowing. However, the crow in the video is saying hi. Unbelievable. But this crow is communicating with man. After saying hi to him, the crow is saying hi and hello. This is clearly seen in the video. 

In the video, the crow sits on a woman's arm. The woman is interacting with the crow. When this woman is saying hi, hello to the crow. In response to him, the crow is saying hi, hello to this woman with a big heart.

Watch the video

Common raven, like other corvids, can mimic sounds from their environment, including human speech.
[full video:

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Some of the most interesting and surprising facts in the world, you will hardly know


There are many things in the world that are interesting as well as surprising. Like honey is the only food in the world that never goes bad. It is safe for thousands of years. Many times during the search, scientists have found thousands of years old honey from the ancient tombs of Egypt, which is still not spoiled. Today we are going to tell you some interesting and surprising facts about which you may hardly know.

You may have bought a bottle of water many times and also seen the expiry date written on it, but did you know that the expiry date written on the bottle is not of water but of the bottle. Water is not bad at all.

The ostrich is a bird that cannot fly. It is one of the largest living species of birds and the female ostrich lays the largest eggs than any other living bird species. You will hardly know that the eyes of an ostrich are bigger than its brain.

Today, even though China has mastered the art of kung-fu, there was an Indian who taught it to him, whose name was Buddhism. He is also called Bodhidharman. It is said that he went to China to spread Buddhism, where he made many disciples and taught them the ancient martial art 'Kalari Pattu'. Later this 'Kalari Pattu' was given the name Kung-Fu with some changes in the local language.

You must have seen a whale, one of the largest fish in the world. By the way, they weigh around 1400 kg, but you will be surprised to know that the heart of a blue whale weighing hundreds of tons weighs around 181 kg.

The top 5 tallest trees in the world can't stand to see the top

 Which are the 5 tallest trees in the world? Literally knowing the height of these trees will also make your mind dizzy. So let us know which are the tallest top five trees on earth?

No. 5: Great sikua: This tree is about 97 meters high i.e. 314 feet tall and the circumference of this tree is about 12 meters. This tree is found in the slopes of Sierra Nevada in the state of California, USA. This tree belongs to the genus 'Sequoia dendran' and its genus name is 'Jaige Steam'

No. 4: Raven's Tower: This tree is about 317 feet tall i.e. a little less than 98 meters high. Its circumference is also more than 6 meters. It is located in Redwoods State Park, Prairie Creek, California. Other notable trees in this jungle of tall trees include the Big Tree, Corkscrew Redwood and the Cathedral Tree.

No. 3: Doerner Fir: It is said that this tree is more than 99 meters high i.e. about 327 feet tall. Its perimeter is almost the same as other tall trees. This tree is located in Coose County, Oregon.

No. 2: Centurion: This tree is slightly taller than Dorner fur i.e. its length is about 328 feet. Its perimeter is almost the same as other tall trees. It is located in the Arve Valley of Tasmania, Australia.

No. 1: Hyperion: This tree is more than 115 meters high i.e. about 380 feet tall. Its perimeter is almost the same as other tall trees. It is located somewhere in Redwood National Park, California. This tree was discovered in the year 2006. Being the tallest tree in the world, its name is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Standing in Redwood National Park, this tree is clearly visible from a considerable distance.

As we go along we will tell you that Yellow Meranti, Alpine Ash, Neeminah Loggorale Meena, White Knight, King Stringy, The General Sherman sherman) and Brazil nut are also very tall trees.

However, in India, Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, the average height of a cedar tree is about 175 feet and the maximum height is about 260 feet. These trees are found in India especially in Himachal, Jammu and Kashmir. Similar tall trees in the wild areas of China are the trees called Sichinai which are about 300 feet tall.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Transacted but OTP did not come… so this is not a normal problem, the bank account is not emptying

 Did you know that if you are not getting OTP then this is not a common problem. Sometimes this may be possible because of the network, but if it happens constantly, it is also a sign of fraud.

Cybercriminals try to fool people in new ways.

Now the banking system has also become quite high-tech. You just specify an OTP and you're done. No matter how big the transaction, an OTP of 6 or 5 or 4 digits gets your job done. You may also do many transactions through this OTP every day, but sometimes it may happen that you did not get the OTP. What do you do when this happens, you either get angry or ask to send an SMS back.

But, did you know that if you are not getting OTP then it is not a common problem. Sometimes this may be possible because of the network, but if it happens constantly, it is also a sign of fraud. In fact, cybercriminals try to fool people in new ways. This is another new way in which hackers are trapping people. Many such cases of fraud have come to light abroad and some experts have proved this. Let us know how this fraud happens and how it can be avoided.

What is the new fraud with Otopi?

In this fraud, cyber criminals or hackers hack your phone messages. The message is then diverted to another phone. This is similar to call divert in a way, in which the message is released by the company or the bank, but does not reach the user. This message reaches a number of hackers instead of coming to the user's phone. In this case, hackers read your messages and make transactions according to them and you don't even know it. The important thing is that if there is a fraud in this way, you do not even get the information, because you do not get the message.

How to survive in such a situation?

If you want to avoid this kind of fraud then you can take some measures. By the way, try to take care of all the things first, so that your phone is not hacked. Also try to get in the habit of ordering any OTP if you have to. If you order a message in the mail, your chances of being cheated in this way are greatly reduced. 

The problem was just because of TRAI

Recently people were not getting OTP. In fact, this problem is due to the new SMS regulation of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). New rules are being introduced to prevent SMS fraud. But due to this process many problems are coming up. One of them is non-receipt of OTP via SMS. TRAI's new guidelines aim to prevent OTT fraud and spam SMS. Operators have started the DLT process to implement this, which caused difficulties in push notifications. The content of every SMS registered template in the new DLT system will be delivered only after verification.

This one word takes 3.5 hours to read, the good ones have gotten bad minds

 There is a word in English language which is about 1 lakh 90 thousand letters in length. This word alone takes about 3.5 hours to pronounce. This word is not used in common parlance.

It is the longest word in the English language.

There are many words that we stumble upon. So if you were asked to pronounce an English word that has more than a million letters, how would you react? This is not the longest word in English that you use in common parlance. It is a chemical name with a total of 1,89,819 letters. It will take you about three and a half hours to pronounce this one word. Even after watching the movie in such a short time, you will still have some time left.

This word is so long that we cannot write it here. By the way, to fulfill your curiosity, we are sharing some opening letters and last letters of this word.


What does this word mean?

This is the name of the titin protein found in humans. In fact, proteins are named after the chemicals from which they are made. Since titin is the longest protein in the world, that is why its name is also the longest word in the world. There is a problem with the inclusion of chemical names, there is no limit to how long they can be.

Now that you know about this longest word in the world, let’s learn about other long words in many categories.


The Greek word has a total of 171 letters. After translating into English, the total length is 183 liters.

Meaning: Aristophanes coined the term for a fictional dish in one of his comedies. Aristophanes was a comedian in ancient Athens. 


This is a word for a total of 45 letters. It is by far the longest word found in many major dictionaries.
Meaning: It is a kind of lung disease. When microscopic ash or dust is inhaled and carried to the lungs, the risk of developing the disease increases.


This word is also one of the longest words found in the dictionary. It has a total of 42 letters.

Meaning: This is the name of a fly found in Thailand. The word is also derived from the Greek language. The life span of this fly is 5 to 8 days.


The term has a total of 30 letters and is a type of thyroid disease. In short form it is also called PPHP. The disease is said to be transmitted from one generation to the next


It is considered to be the longest term in the non-technical category. The term was also mentioned in the Reserve Bank of India's Monetary Boundary Policy Meeting held in August 2019. Chetan Ghate, a member of the then MPC, used the term when talking about economic growth.

Meaning: The term is used for the habit of disregarding anything.

Bullet Proof Body: A bullet fired at an animal that looks like a rat, but hit the mother-in-law.

 It was an incident that forced people to scratch their heads.

A bizarre incident in America put people in power a few years ago. Here a man fired a shot to kill an animal that looked like a rat, but instead of hitting the animal, the bullet touched his mother-in-law and escaped. The incident took place in Georgia, USA and the animal that was tried to be killed is called ArmadilloIf the bullet was slightly left or right, the woman could have been hit. The animal was described as having a "bullet proof" body that day. Now, once again, it remains a topic of discussion on social media.

People disturbed by a strange incident

According to the incident in Lee County, Georgia, Larry McLarey, 54, fired at Armadillo with his 9mm pistol. The animal died from being shot, but the bullet bounced and hit the wall first.

The bullet then hit the back door of McLarey's mother-in-law's house and then passed through a sofa and hit her on the back. It was an incident that forced people to scratch their heads.

However, different media reports said different things. Experts were shocked by the incident and at the same time they were also amazed at how this animal can die once it is shot. 

The officer spoke  an extraordinary event

Bill Smith, who is investigating the incident, said that the circumstances were such that it had become an extraordinary event. The incident took place at midnight. McLarey was reportedly about 100 yards from home.

After the incident, his 74-year-old mother-in-law Carol Johnson was thanking God that she was not seriously injured in the incident.

Smith stated that she was walking and talking at the time of the shooting. He does not appear to be seriously injured. His family members rushed him to the hospital after the incident. Armadillo was advised to shoot by James Morgan, co-ordinator of the Dugherty County Extension. 

What happens to Armadillo?

However, he also asked them to use traps to catch the animal. He says that just shooting is the last option to get rid of Armadillo.

According to the authorities, shotguns can also be used to avoid what happened. This reduces the risk of damage.

He also advised people to stay safe. The armadillo is actually a rat-like animal. Armadillo's skin is no less than an armor. It is very fast and he uses it to dig the ground.

They have short legs but can still run very fast. Armadillo averages about 30 inches or 75 centimeters in length. A giant armadillo can be about 59 inches or 150 centimeters long. It weighs about 54 kilograms.

Plastic Bottle: Is drinking water from a plastic bottle good for health?

  Use Of Plastic Bottle : Is Drinking Water From Plastic Bottle Really Good For Health? You don't know about it. Let's find out ......