Saturday, July 30, 2022

Does eating onion-eggplant-garlic in Shravan really cause any problems? Nutritionists say...


Why It is Suggested to Avoid Onion, Garlic And Brinjal in Shravan, Dietician Says : Along with religion, it is necessary to follow the rules of diet for health...

HighlightsNowadays we cannot say that ginger, garlic and onion should be stopped completely.
During this period it is said to eat light and easily digestible food. When the month of Shravan approaches, Kandenavami is compulsory for vegetarians. On this day special onion dishes are eaten as onions cannot be eaten for the next month or sometimes Charturmas i.e. next 4 months. Now not to eat onions and garlic in Shravana is associated with piety. In reality, it should be noted that the changes in diet are made according to seasonal changes for health. Nutritionist Sukesha Satwalekar gives some important information about this. 

1. What about the environment? 
The main reason behind saying not to eat onion and garlic during Shravan is that there is usually a lot of rain during this period. According to Ayurveda, there is a possibility of increasing Vata Dosha in the body during this period. During this period, the body gets dry and the digestive power weakens and bile accumulates. So it is said to eat light and easily digestible food during this period. 
2. One should avoid garlic, onion...
During the rainy season, there is a possibility of gas problems due to garlic, brinjal. As both of these things also increase the amount of vata, it is always better for those suffering from vata or gas to eat onion, garlic in small amounts or not at all. But we cannot say that everyone should stop eating onion, garlic and brinjal. 
3. Useful for self control
Adherence to dietary restrictions is important. It's best to train yourself to follow these restrictions. These constraints are very useful to be able to accept such constraints if we have to follow them for some reason in the future. We do not impose any restrictions on our own diet, but we can exercise some control over ourselves on this occasion.  

4. Benefits of Garlic, Onion...
Garlic and onion contain some cholesterol-regulating compounds. Garlic is also very useful for increasing immunity. Onion and garlic are great prebiotics, which means they are helpful for the growth of probiotics. They maintain a good balance of friendly bacteria in the gut and overall health. Both of these are very helpful in neutralizing estrogen and toxins entering the body through diet. Therefore, we cannot say that ginger, garlic and onion should be stopped completely. Both of these are very useful to protect against monsoon diseases like typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea. 

Friday, July 15, 2022

This is the world's largest mysterious mine; Everything that passes through it disappears


The Mirney Diamond Mine is the first diamond mine of its kind to be opened in the world.

There are many places and things in the world that are still shrouded in mystery.  Even scientists could not remove the veil from their secrets.  One of these is a diamond mine in Eastern Siberia.  Which is considered to be the largest diamond mine in the world.  Its name is Mirni Diamond Mine.  Mirni Diamond Mine is the first open cut diamond mine of its kind in the world.

The mine is 1722 feet deep and 3900 feet wide.  It is the second largest man-made hole in the world.  The Bingham Copper Mine is the number one mine.  The mine was discovered on June 13, 1955 by a team of Soviet geologists.

 Russia, meanwhile, became the world's third-largest diamond producer after the discovery of the Mirni Diamond Mine.  The mine was extracting 10 million carats of diamonds every year.  The mine is so huge that helicopters passing by it often went down due to air pressure.  Helicopter flights have been banned since then.  The mine was completely shut down in 2011.

 The development of this mine was started in 1957.  The weather is very bad during most of the months of the year.  In winter, the temperature drops so much that the oil in the vehicles freezes and the tires burst.  Workers used jet engines and dynamite to dig it out.

 Meanwhile, Soviet geologist UV Khabardin was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1957 for his discovery.

Another world found in China? The man reached the mysterious place for the first time


In China, Leye County is home to a vast world empire.  A huge cave has been discovered there.  This is the first time a man has set foot in this cave.  The locals say that this huge cave has no end.

India's neighboring country China is once again in the news.  If you say China, you will remember the Great Crisis of Corona.  But this year, China has become a topic of discussion due to something different.  Man has reached the ocean and space.  Many mysterious secrets of the deep ocean have been discovered by man.  But there are many mysterious places on this vast earth where man has yet to reach.  A similar place has been discovered in China.

 The first person to arrive

The earth is 71 percent water and the rest is land.  There are many places on earth where man has not been able to reach.  Now we have become hi-tech.  So we are exploring many such mysterious places.  China also has such a secret place.  No one has been able to go there till date.

 In China, Leye County has a vast world empire.  A huge cave has been discovered there.  For the first time, man has stepped into this cave.  The locals say that this huge cave has no end.  This huge cave is called 'Shenying Tiankeng' by the local people.  So the explorers have called it 'another world'.  In this other world, many shocking things have been revealed to the explorers.

 The sun's rays do not reach here

 According to the information received, this cave in this dense forest is 630 feet wide and 490 feet narrow.  So the explorers found 3 roads to reach this cave.  There are also 130 feet tall trees in this cave.  These trees are leaning towards the entrance.  Therefore, sunlight does not reach this cave.  But the view from inside and outside the cave is very mind-blowing.

Mysterious cave

 Many mysterious things have been revealed in this cave.  But the searchers did not find anything suspicious.  About 30 pits have been found in this cave.  According to experts, it is estimated that such pits are formed due to the strong flow of water.  However, it has not been proved yet how these pits were formed.  Along with this, many new species of trees and plants have been found in this cave.

Knowledge: Why is this button on the cap? What is this button called? Learn interesting information


Let's find out the reason behind the button on this hat.

Most of the people, when they go for a walk or play, they forcefully wear a cap on their head.  Many also wear hats to protect themselves from the sun in summer.  Players in particular wear hats.  Seeing that, wearing a cap has also become a style.  Which is why most people use it.  You may have worn a cap at some point.  So have you ever looked closely at the design of a cap or a hat?  A button is attached to the top of the cap.  But have you ever wondered what this button is for?

So let's find out the reason behind this button on the hat.

 According to reports, a cap with a button is called a baseball cap.  But you may have noticed that not only baseball players but also players who play cricket or other sports wear such hats.

 This is what happened to the cap. Now, you know what this button on the cap is called?

 The buttons on the top of the cap are called 'squachi' or 'squacho'.  You may be wondering, why such a weird name?  In fact, baseball player and commentator Bob Brenley gave this weird name to this button at the top of the baseball cap.  He heard the name in the 1980s from Mike Cruco of his San Francisco team.

 Mike read the word in a bookstore in Pittsburgh.  In the book in which Mike read the word squacho, the word meant a button on a hat.  The name has become very popular ever since.

 Now let's know why this button is on the cap

 The top of the hat is made by combining different fabrics.  Where all the pieces are deposited on the top of the cap, there is either a hole or a strange joint.  Which looks pretty bad and it also spoils the captive design, which makes it fit like a round button to cover and make the hat beautiful.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Signature Astrology: If you also sign and put two points below, then you ... see what your signature says!


Find out what your signature says today

Everyone's method of signing is different.  When signing, someone writes the name or signs in a different way.  Meanwhile, the way you write your handwritten letters has a huge impact on your life.

A person's signature gives important information not only about his personality but also about prosperity and happiness.  That is why everyone should pay more attention to his signature.  Find out what your signature says today.

 Your signature reveals many secrets

 People who put two lines under the signature make good money.  But these people are very stingy.  Although these people are normal, they still feel insecure.

 Some people draw a line under their signature and put one or two dots behind it.  Such people face more difficulties in getting money.  These people save well.

If a person writes the first letter of the name in his signature and puts a dot at the bottom of the name, then such a person is rich.  Moreover, it is likely to be financially strong.  Their married life is also happy.

If a person signs in straightforward and simple ways, then his health and money status remains normal.  These people do not care about their health.

 It is believed that if the first letter is written in large letters and the rest of the letters are written in small and beautiful form, the person will gradually attain a higher position.  He is in good health.

 If a person puts less pressure on the pen while signing, such people force themselves to make more money.  These people are under a lot of stress.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Why do honeybees die after biting humans?

 The same, when a bee stings a human and flies, its sting remains embedded in the human body and the sting breaks through its stomach.  According to Alison, after doing this with a human, when its sting is separated from the body, then she is able to live for only a few hours.  After some time, she dies due to organ failure.

Did research on 20,000 species of bees around the world.  So let's know what his research says.

According to Nicholas Naeger, molecular biologist at Washington State University, who has been researching bees for 20 years, there are more than 500 species of bees in the world, which cannot sting humans but can bite.  .  They are called bees without sting.  The stings present inside them are not able to harm the person.  Then what are those bees, which mess with humans too?

What happens to a bee after being stung?

 To answer this question, Alison Ray, who is doing research in Molecular, Cellular and Integrated Biosciences at Penn State University, explains that not all bees die after stinging a person.  Bees sting humans as well as insects.  Insects have thin skin, so the sting of a bee remains safe, but when they sting a human, their sting remains in the skin.  The sting coming from the stomach of the bee breaks off and it flies away from there.

Most bees die

 Now not all bees, but the bees whose sting gets stuck in the human skin and breaks through the stomach, they are not able to live long after this.  It is like organ failure for them.  According to Live Science, 200 such bees were seen in the research of scientists, whose sting was broken after biting.  She could not survive till the next morning.  However, the sting of many flies, such as wasps or wasps, is smooth and can easily be removed from the skin.  In such a situation, researchers say that they survive even after biting a person.

Bees sting only when their hive is in danger.  Just like a bee does not sting by flying, if you climb on it or try to kill it forcefully, then it can sting while doing self-defense.  The stinger of a bee is made up of two barbed lancets.  After stinging a bee, it cannot pull out its sting.  Along with the sting, they also leave some part of their digestive tract, muscles and nerves.  And because of this he dies.

 Even after the bee leaves, the venom continues to spread on your wound for several minutes.  Because of this, it is advisable to remove the sting immediately by scraping it.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Health Tips: Really? Does drinking water while standing cause pain in the legs? What is the truth behind this?


What do we eat when we eat? This has a huge impact on our health. Some people say that drinking water while standing can damage your knees.

Nowadays, in the rush hour, we have a habit of doing everything fast. From this, go to work, have a quick meal, drink a little water. We do everything running and fast. However, it is very harmful to your health. What do we eat when we eat? This has a huge impact on our health.

But does your health depend on how you drink water (Water Drinking Habits)? Can Drinking Water In Standing Position Really Kill Your Knee, Joint Pain, Kidney And Liver Damage? Today we are going to answer all these questions for you. So let's find out the effect of standing up and drinking water on our body.

Some people say that standing up and drinking water can damage your knees. By doing this, water circulates rapidly in your body and it accumulates directly in the knee. But that is not strange. According to TV Nine, there is no research that suggests that standing up and drinking water can cause such problems. Everything we eat or drink goes into our stomach through our esophagus. It then reaches your intestines and is absorbed there.

Water flows with the blood and reaches all parts of the body. So there is no truth in these things that standing up and drinking water hurts your feet or your knees get damaged. There are no disadvantages to standing up and drinking water. However, when drinking water, drink it quietly and sitting down. This is because drinking too much water can affect digestion. Therefore, when drinking water, drink it calmly, slowly and slowly.

Plastic Bottle: Is drinking water from a plastic bottle good for health?

  Use Of Plastic Bottle : Is Drinking Water From Plastic Bottle Really Good For Health? You don't know about it. Let's find out ......