Saturday, December 18, 2021

Is it right or wrong to drink water immediately after urinating ..? What exactly is the advice given by experts ..?


Many people question whether it is right or wrong to drink water immediately after urinating. We also tried to find the answer. We talked to some experts.

Many people are wondering whether they should drink water while urinating or whether they should drink water after urinating. Be careful if you drink water immediately after urinating. This habit can hurt you. Because this habit is wrong and you invite illness.

Needed to stay healthy

Experts recommend drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking water is essential for good health. It is said that we should drink plenty of water so that we can stay away from many diseases. But many things depend on when the water should be drunk. One of our faults is that we can invite illness. Therefore, many people have a question as to whether it is right or wrong to drink water immediately after urinating. We also tried to find the answer. We talked to some experts.

Urinary tract infections can occur

If you drink water immediately after urinating every day, then stop .. but if you are doing it sometime, no problem. But this habit is wrong if you drink water immediately. If you drink such water every day, you may get urinary tract infections. Experts say that you may experience kidney stones. So do not make such a mistake by mistake and if so, change it immediately.

Helping to get rid of dirt from the body

Drink water at least 10-15 minutes after urination. It is advisable to drink water before urinating. But even here, if you drink water 10-15 minutes before, it was a good benefit. The most important thing is to get up in the morning and drink two or three glasses of water on an empty stomach. This helps to get the dirt out of your body.

… So stay away from diseases

According to doctors or health experts, you should drink 3-4 liters of water daily. Dehydration also invites many ailments. Therefore, according to experts, for a healthy body, nothing should be too much or too little. If we do everything right, we can avoid many diseases.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Not only damage to the body, but also to the kidneys; Avoid the wrong habit of drinking water


Water contains the element of cooling and the nature of energy in the stomach is hot. Drinking water at meal time calms the fire. Which increases the desire to eat more. Not only that, drinking water during meals can also lead to obesity.

The role of water is considered to be important for the release of toxins in the body. Water is required for the transport of nutrients. The scientific significance of water has been explained in ancient medicine in Ayurveda. In addition, scientific information has been provided about the amount of water required by the body and the methods of consumption. People who 
drink only one glass of water throughout the day may experience complex health problems over time. Research has shown that the wrong habit of drinking water also has an adverse effect on the digestive system.

Low water intake, inviting disorders

Consumption of very little water in the body can lead to digestive disorders. If you consume large amounts of water before meals or if you have a habit of drinking water during meals, it can harm the digestive system. According to Ayurveda, such habits have a direct effect on the food condition of the stomach. Water contains the element of cooling and the nature of energy in the stomach is hot. Drinking water at meal time calms the fire. Which increases the desire to eat more. Not only that, drinking water during meals can also lead to obesity. 

Acceptance of habits, determination of health

- Never drink a glass at a time. Drink water slowly.

-Never drink water immediately before and after meals. This can lead to the breakdown of gastric juice in your body. This complicates the digestion and absorption of essential nutrients by your body.

- If you are thirsty, drink water 30 minutes before and after meals.

-If you feel thirsty at meal time, drink a glass of water instead of a glass of water.

Misdiagnosis, Kidney Injury:

Most people drink water while standing. Drinking water vertically can lead to health problems. Drinking water vertically has a major effect on the body's digestive system. Water is excreted directly from your digestive tract. Water does not provide essential nutrients to the body. This can lead to a lack of nutrients in the body and slow down the action of the bladder, which emits unnecessary substances. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Why does a person always come late? Behind this lies the astonishing science; You will be surprised to read


Research has shown that people with certain personality traits are always later than others.

We have been hearing Time is Money ' since childhood. Most of us know the value of time; But still some people always come late. They never manage to keep time. They know the importance of time. Yet they are always late. More information about this is available on the website ''.
Lack of time is seen as a negative thing. Those who keep time at work or elsewhere get angry at those who come late. Anger is always expressed about those who do not keep time. Many people have bad relationships with people who do not follow the rules. That is why those who do not follow the time are said to have no manners or they are criticized for having more value for their own time than the time of others; But this is not always the case.
"I don't care about people or their feelings," says psychologist Somiya Zaman. For this, various issues need to be taken into consideration. Research has shown that people with certain personality traits are always later than others.

'Some people are optimistic and believe that we can manage everything, even in our extreme anxiety. We call them over schedulers, 'explained Somiya. "But if he has a habit of doing a lot of work at the same time every day, then he will always be late for something," she said. If such optimistic, gossipy people are in a group, then their meetings, appointments, going to dinner, all these things take longer than the allotted time. Naturally, they are late for everything.

Of course, sometimes such people will say no even when it is possible to hurt others or hurt their feelings. Or they may be afraid of losing an important opportunity.

Some people are the ones who delay. This means that such people are already involved in some other work. So they never get to where they want to go or what they want to do on time. Of course, such people are always worried. As a result, they sometimes find it difficult to move from one place to another.

'We all respond differently to our inner and outer expectations. This response is not conscious. It is the tendency to respond to a particular trait or trait, 'says Geraldine Joachim, a psychotherapist at Mind Your Business. Some people meet their inner expectations in a much better way than these external expectations. These outside expectations are imposed on them by society, the workplace and others. The expectation is to meet at a certain place at a certain time. It is imposed by those we meet, they say. Individuals who focus on these outside expectations are more time consuming. This is because they place more importance on outside responsibility. Those who prioritize fulfilling their own expectations are from a group that is not on time. Of course this is not rudeness. Such individuals often try to be on time; But they do not always succeed, he says. 

   It all has to do with your childhood. It all depends on what we have learned and how we have grown up. 'Parents of time keepers are either employed or working outside. So they had a fixed schedule. Naturally, children get used to it, 'says Carmel Moore, a time management expert at The One Moment Company.

It can happen against this too. Parents are often embarrassed if their children are late for school or drop out of school, and this is why when such children grow up and start working, they become a little too strict with time. She also says that some religious prayers or rituals make it a habit to keep time.

If a person is under a lot of stress, then the work ahead seems like a mountain. It seems impossible to climb the mountain, says Lucy Ironman, a psychological wellbeing facilitator at Vita Health Group. The effect of this stress is to prevent and therefore increase the stress. If a person's mental health is not good, it also affects his daily life.

Our mixed emotions affect our ability to manage time. It also affects small things like getting up early in the morning, getting ready, catching a bus or cooking. Secondly, it should be noted that our brain does not always work in the same way. Experts say that time management is a challenge even for neurodivers. Often such people have to struggle to do certain things on their own. So without knowing the reason, one should not always have negative feelings about not keeping time.

On the other hand, being late also has to do with the person's feelings. It also has to do with mental health. It affects everything in our life and our tendency to come sooner or later is no exception.

It is definitely not a good idea to be late for a meeting, for everything you have decided, and if you have no regrets about it or you have nothing to do with other people's time. If you are going all the time on time, it can be a nuisance to those who are late for you.

If your spouse or friend, family member or colleague is latecomer or always late, he or she will probably suffer; But keep in mind that the reasons behind not keeping time can also be complicated. For some, not keeping time is a sign of arrogance or neglect; But experts say it is wrong. It is not uncommon for someone to deliberately or intentionally waste your time. So don't think so. If someone is late, don't let it become your personal question. Doing so will ease your stress. Also, deal with such situations calmly and thoughtfully rather than angrily. It can also ease the stress of latecomers.

Ask them gently, 'Do you need any help?' Ask them out well if they are no longer absorbed in the connection. Maybe they are trying to arrive on time and if they are not convinced then these things of yours will help them. So think about why those who don't keep time are coming late. And think about which group you belong to.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Where did the water on earth come from, what was the role of the sun in it


Earth is the only planet where liquid water is abundant.  There are many opinions on where this water came from on earth.  But recent studies have shown that our Sun also contributes in this.  In this research, researchers have reached their results by studying the old asteroid deposited in Japan's Hayasuba expedition in the year 2010.  Scientists hope that this information will help future space missions.

Many researches have been done on the subject of where did the water on earth come from.  The funny thing in this is that sometimes it was told that water on Earth came from asteroids and meteorites that came from space, and sometimes it was also said that water formed on Earth itself and remained here from the beginning.  Most of these researches have been done on the fragments of meteorites and asteroids that fell on the Earth.  The new study analyzed an ancient asteroid sample obtained from Japan's 2010 Hayabusa mission.  This study has shown that the water on Earth came from the dust particles of space from which the planets were formed.

role of solar wind

 The study, conducted by researchers from the UK, Australia and the US, found that water was formed in dust particles when charged particles called the solar wind coming from the Sun changed the chemical composition of the dust particles in space, causing them to  Water molecules can be produced.

 so much water in the oceans

 Scientists call this process space weathering.  In this study published in the journal Nature Astronomy, scientists have told that it is a very challenging task to create a water structure in Earth's oceans by mixing materials from sources such as asteroids.  But solar winds can answer this question.

These reasons have been given so far

 Planetary scientists have long wanted to know how so much water came into Earth's oceans.  Some theories have suggested that this may have been caused by the rain of water-bearing asteroids that hit Earth 4.6 billion years ago.  Researchers believe that some of the water on Earth came from a 'C' type asteroid.

This investigation will be very useful

 Researchers also believed that with this the water on Earth must have come from another mild isotopic source that was elsewhere in the solar system.  The new investigation will also reveal many mysteries surrounding the arrival of water on Earth and the amount of large amounts that surround the surface.  Scientists are also hoping that the results of this study will be helpful in future space missions to find water on airless planets.

study of space rock samples

 The international team, led by scientists from the University of Glasgow, studied samples from different types of space rocks using atom probe tomography.  These rocks are called S-type asteroids, which orbit the Sun by staying closer to them than C-type asteroids.

water molecules in samples

 These samples were from the Itokawa asteroid and were analyzed.  When scientists studied the molecular structure of one atom at a time, it was found that they have the presence of water molecules.  The lead author of this study, Dr. Luke Daley, explained how these molecules of water reached or formed in them.

Dr Daley said that the hydrogen ions coming from the Sun collided with the dust present in the space with an asteroid without air and went inside the matter and affected their chemical composition.  Due to this, hydrogen ions slowly reacted with oxygen molecules to form water molecules inside the rock and dust, which were hidden in the minerals of the asteroids.  This dust must have come to Earth with solar winds and asteroids and brought water.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Do you know the meaning or full form of the word OK?

 Regardless of your mother tongue or dialect, the English word OK is often used when speaking that language.  Many are in the habit of saying OK.  But, have you ever wondered, what is the meaning or fulform of the word OK?  When I met OK Boy, a first grader in a school under a tree in Ropale (Tal. Pandharpur), I was curious to know the meaning of OK.

Curiosity to find the meaning of OK, learning in the school under the tree OK Boy!  So we don't even know how often we say OK.  On the occasion of Children's Day, Arun Mali, a teacher, interacted with some children in a school under a tree which was started for free.  He was confident that OK would do what he said. Soham told me that my teacher had taught me to say OK.  Soham's mother Ashwini and father Mahadev farm.  Everyone in the house calls him Chiku.  Chiku's OK accent has made him an Ok Boy today.
This is what happened to start saying 'OK'.  Dr.  When contacted by Arvind Kumbhar, he said that the word OK was first used in 1839.  He said that the full form of this word is 'ol korrect'.  This time around, they used OK's full form Objection killed, Old Kinderhook, the Greek word Olla kalla means all good, O Kendall & Sons which writes Initials 'OK' on their products.  Ober Kommando, a German general, said that it was customary to write OK to sign documents.

According to English linguist Alan Walker Reed, the word OK was first used in 1839.  The original source is in German and is fullform ol korrect.  Which means it's about to be the most delusional time of the year, as well.  OK means people have become accustomed to saying OK in order to get things done right now.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Benefits of Paneer: Eat 100 grams of raw paneer in cold weather, it will cure anemia, doctors also recommend eating


Paneer also contains Omega 3, which is good for mental development.  If you want to avoid eating fried roast for breakfast, then Paneer is a great option for you.

 Health experts say that paneer is a high protein diet.  So eating paneer for breakfast will give you energy throughout the day.  Eating paneer doesn't make you hungry for long, as it takes a long time to digest.

Why Paneer is important for health: - Dietitian Dr. Ranjana Singh says, ‘Paneer is rich in Vitamin D, which is very good for your body.  With its consumption, cholesterol and blood pressure remain normal.  This is the best diet for diabetics.  It contains nutrients like Calcium, Protein, Phosphorus, Folate which are good for pregnant women and baby.

Beneficial for vegetarians: - Cheese Vegetarians who do not get enough protein can include cheese in their diet.  This is because cheese contains a lot of protein, including selenium and potassium.  Selenium is useful in treating infertility and potassium is good for the nervous system.  In addition, cheese also contains calcium, which strengthens your bones.

 Nutritional value of 100 grams of cheese

 According to Extremeliftnutrition, Paneer is very beneficial for health.  It contains a wide variety of nutrients, including protein.

Protein - 19.1 g

 Vitamin A-210 mcg

 Calcium - 420 mg

Iron - 2.16 mg total

 Fat - 26.9 g saturated

 -18.1 grams of fat

Trans fatty acids -0.1 g

 Cholesterol - 56.2 mg

 Sodium - 22.1 mg

Total Carbohydrates - 6.1 g

 There are several benefits of Paneer: -Dietitian Dr.  Ranjana Singh says that another benefit of eating paneer for breakfast is that it improves your heart health.  Minerals like iron, calcium and magnesium found in cheese nourish the body.  Instead, the healthy fats in it reduce bad cholesterol in the body and increase the level of good cholesterol.  This reduces the risk of heart attack.

 10 benefits of eating raw cheese

Strengthens bones

 Mental development occurs

 Paneer gives energy to the body

Physical development of children

 Strengthens teeth

 Controls weight

Beneficial for diabetics

 Cheese is a good source of calcium, it strengthens bones and teeth.

 Increases the level of good cholesterol.

Digestion is maintained.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Let us know in this article about the 9 most famous temples of Maharashtra.

 Let us know closely about the 9 most ancient and most sacred temples in Maharashtra in this article.

Maharashtra, one of the most modern states of India, is full of cultural and spiritual places.  There are many such ancient and world famous temples present in this state where lakhs of tourists are present every day.  Be it Nashik, Mumbai or Pune, there are many ancient and famous temples in all these cities.  Today in this article we are going to tell you about the 9 most famous and holy temples present in Maharashtra, so let's know.

1.  Siddhivinayak Temple

Siddhivinayak Temple present in Maya Nagari i.e. Mumbai is one of the holy and popular temples of Maharashtra as well as all over India.  It is said that the name of this temple is Siddivinayak because, the trunk of the idol of Ganesha is turned to the right and is attached to the Siddhi Peeth.  It is also one of the richest temples in India.

 2.   Sai Baba Mandir, Shirdi

Shirdi Temple, located near Nashik, Maharashtra, is one of the most sacred religious places.  According to an estimate, more than 15 thousand devotees visit this temple every day for the darshan of Sai Baba.  This place is also famous as the land of Sai.

3.    Moreshwar Temple

Moreshwar Temple, also known as Moreshwar Morgaon Temple, is located in Pune city of Maharashtra.  This temple also has the distinction of being one of the Ashtavinayak temples of Lord Ganesha.  Along with the idol of Ganesh ji, idols of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama are also present here.

 4.     Kailash Temple

Kailash Temple in Aurangabad, Maharashtra is also known as Kailashnath Temple.  For your information, let us tell you that this temple is present in the cave of Ellora.  It is said that more than 2 lakh tons of rock was used in the construction of this temple and it took about 18 years to build it.

5.        Ganpatipule Temple

Ganpatipule Temple, situated on the side of the beach, is an ancient and famous temple, which is at a distance of about 340 kilometers from Mumbai.  Situated on the banks of Konkan, this place is famous for about 400 years old Ganapati temple.  Here you can go for a walk on the beach as well as visiting the temple.

 6.   Shani Shingnapur

Shani Shingnapur in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra is considered to be a magical temple.  People from far and wide come to visit this temple, famous as Lord Shani.  Local people believe that Lord Shani protects their belongings from thieves and also removes all sorrows.

 7.   Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple

Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple in Maharashtra is one of the holiest and most ancient temples of Maharashtra.  The Jyotirlingas present here are the most famous of the idols of Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Lord Rudra.  Located at a distance of about 28 kilometers from the city of Nashik, this temple is usually crowded with tourists.

 8.      Yamai Devi Temple

Yamai Devi Temple in Satara district of Maharashtra is a very sacred temple for women.  This temple is dedicated to Yamai Devi.  Being present on the top of the hill, this temple is also very famous for its beautiful views.

 9.     Bhimashankar Temple

Bhimashankar Temple is a very holy and famous temple located at a distance of about 100 km from Pune city of Maharashtra.  It is said that Bhimashankar, one of the 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shankar, is a major pilgrimage site in Maharashtra.

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