Saturday, May 1, 2021

Why the hole at the bottom of the cylinder?

 LPG gas is very dangerous. Holes are made in the bottom of the gas cylinder keeping these things in mind. This hole mainly conducts fresh air under the gas and the bottom of the cylinder remains cool. If they do not make a hole in the bottom ring the air will get trapped inside the bottom ring and may cause an accident.

New Delhi. It is said that everything is made for some purpose and it has its own significance. But sometimes we forget to notice these little things. Or we may be wondering what the use of this thing will be, it has been made for design reasons only. For example, we can take a gas cylinder. Which has a round hole in the lower part. But we never look at this thing and we think this hole is just made.

Holes are made for special purposes

However, this hole is made for a special purpose. In fact, when we use a cylinder, there is a risk of its temperature rising. Holes are made in them keeping this in mind. So that because of these fresh air keeps coming and going under the cylinder and this keeps the lower part of the cylinder cool. On the other hand, if there is no hole in the lower part of the cylinder, then air can get stuck in the ring of the cylinder and a big accident can happen.

Water does not get trapped under the cylinder due to holes

At the same time the floor is easily cleaned due to the hole in the cylinder, when we wash the floor of the house with water, the water does not get stuck under the cylinder due to the hole and we use the cylinder safely. Keep doing

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Which is the longest grass in the world? Complete information about the world's longest grass GK


       ★★★  Bamboo ★★★ 

The longest grass in the world is bamboo because bamboo is a type of grass. Bamboo is called bamboo in English. As you know bamboo is used in making paper. Let me tell you, bamboo is a type of grass but it has been declared as a tree under the Indian Forest Act 1927. The life span of a bamboo is from 1 year to 50 years.

Special information about bamboo:

Bamboo is a useful grass of the Graminai family. It is found in almost all regions of India. Some of the main species of bamboo are Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, etc. The word bamboo comes from bamboo, a Latin word for Marathi. Bamboo is a type of monocotyledonous plant. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth. There are some species of bamboo that grow about 121 centimeters in a day. Sometimes it happens that bamboo grows at a speed of 1 meter per hour.
Bamboo stem is long, hollow and with branches. Bamboo roots are fibrous and its leaves are soft. Not only this, the upper end of the bamboo is sharp like a spear.

Bamboo bears flowers only once in its entire life span. The bamboo flower is white in color.

Bamboo is also an important plant of West and South Asia. It is used for making house as well as cooking.
You can become a millionaire by cultivating bamboo: Anyone can become a millionaire by cultivating bamboo because once it is planted in the field, it starts yielding after 5 years. Just like other crops get insects from rain and heat, bamboo does not get any insects. So the cost of cultivating it is very low. Bamboo leaves more than 30 percent oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide compared to other trees. In the same way that a peepal tree absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night, a bamboo tree also releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide at night.

The following are some of the types of bamboo found in India:

1. Bambusa arandinesi: This bamboo is called Vidur bamboo. It is found more in India and Verma. This bamboo is 20 to 60 feet high and has more than 30 twigs.

2. Bamboosa spinosa: This type of bamboo is prickly. This is called Bihar Bamboo. It is dense in Assam, Bengal, Verma etc.

3. Bamboo Tulla: This type of bamboo is called Peka bamboo. It is the main bamboo of Bengal.

4. Bambusa vulgaris: This type of bamboo is found all over India. This bamboo has green and yellow stripes.

There are other species of bamboo that are almost long and thick. One species of bamboo is Bambusa nutante found at an altitude of 5 thousand to 7 thousand feet. As you know, the most useful part of bamboo is the stem.

The life span of bamboo is about 1 to 50 years. It is believed that the bamboo continues to grow until it blooms. Bamboo flowers are found in very small, colorless and small bunches. As we know bamboo is used to make paper.

That `bloody tree` of Chatra, which quenches its thirst with the blood of the people

 Chatra news: Giddhaur's Salimpur-based giant Mahua tree. But it is being discussed as a `bloody tree`. Who is trying to quench his thirst with the blood of the people.

Chatra: A tree standing on the road from Chatra district of Jharkhand to Hazaribagh via Giddhaur is becoming famous as 'Bloody Tree'. By the way, it looks exactly like a common tree. But it is gaining a reputation as a 'bloody tree'. Who is trying to quench his thirst with the blood of the people. Many people have lost their lives due to this tree.

In fact, this tree, standing in the middle of the road from Chatra to Hazaribagh via Giddhaur, feasts on road accidents. On the road to Hazaribagh, there are trees in the middle of the road in many places. But the most dangerous is the giant Mahua tree at Salimpur in Giddhaur. This tree is in the middle of the road. Due to this, many vehicles passing through this road throughout the year have been involved in accidents due to trees. On the other hand, many lives have been lost due to road accidents.

Here, despite the frequent road accidents in the area, the district administration is not paying attention to this. The locals have pleaded many times to remove this tree from the departmental officer to the employees of the road construction company. But all remain indifferent to the matter. Instead of removing the deadly tree standing on the upside down road, new roads are being constructed around it.

On the other hand, there are initiatives to take various measures to control road accidents. In this case, there should be an immediate arrangement to remove this tree in the middle of the road. Therefore, when the Deputy Commissioner of the district Divyanshu Jha was told the whole story, he has talked to the officials of the forest department and assured to remove the tree soon. In this age of technology, trees can be shifted without damaging them. It is hoped that the district administration in collaboration with the forest department will soon find some such solution.

What plant in the world has the sound of a baby crying when it is uprooted?

 What is the tree that looks like a human and when it is uprooted, it makes a baby cry?

The name of the plant in the world which resembles a human, when it is uprooted, comes the sound of a baby crying. The name of the frog is found in Africa.

Nature has created many types of trees and plants. Ordinary plants are an integral part of our lives and environment. But there are many types of trees that are known for their uniqueness, which we are surprised to see. In the forests of America, there is a tree called Matric, which has a child-like texture. If this tree is shaken, uprooted or killed, it starts crying like a baby. Hence it is also called the weeping tree. A tree is found in the mountainous regions of Canada, with a hole in its trunk producing sweet juice which is even sweeter than sugarcane juice.

There are different types of trees in the forests of Australia which are called directional trees. The characteristic of these trees is that their rows are always towards north and south. One part of their stem is towards east and the other towards west. A tree is found in Japan which starts emitting smoke after sunset. Often the tree flowers first, then the fruit, but the Vitsia tree found in Africa has fruits without flowers. In the Jogua Tree National Park in the United States, there is a fast growing tree called Yuka. Just as an acid on a body part melts, so does a yellow substance fall from some of the trees in the Amazon rainforest. If this substance falls on any part of the human body then that part of the body starts melting. 

Rainforests are found in the southern part of Indonesia. The trees there drip a thousand drops of water in a minute. There are some trees in America that make a sound like bells ringing through their fruits when they are swaying in the wind. Machinal trees are found in the dense forests of Brazil. In spring these trees have very beautiful flowers of large size. In the forests of Latin America, trees called Drandiosa are found. Who keep crying all year round. Those trees bear small beautiful fruits. From morning till night red shiny drops start shining on these flowers and it stays like this continuously till morning. She cries when she feels a little wind.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Nail paint is of great use, use it in these fun works

 After knowing these fun works of nail paint you will want to do not only to enhance the beauty of nails but also in these works.

Nail paint is a jewel for women. If you do not use nail polish on your nails to beautify your nails over time, then understand that there is less of a jewel on the body. With the matching of the dress or to give a beautiful and elegant look to the nails, it is necessary to resort to nail paint. In a way, many women cannot compromise with nail paints

But, today in this article we are going to tell you about some fun works related to nail paint. You can make many difficult tasks easier with the help of nail paints. Of course, knowing about these fun things, you would like to use nail paints not only to make your nails beautiful, but also for these things. So let us know.

Paint the hanger

Keep in the cupboard. If the colors of the hanger are gone, you can resort to nail paints. Sometimes the clothes start to deteriorate after the paint has flown from the hangar. In this case, you can paint the hanger with the help of nail paints according to the color. If the hanger is black then you can paint the hanger with the help of black nail paints. Similarly you can paint the hanger according to the second color.

Apply to cuts

Maybe, you know. If you do not know, for your information, let us know that you can apply nail paint on the place where light cuts occur when blood comes out from the hands, feet etc. Applying it stops bleeding. After applying it, leave it to dry for a while. You can easily see this tip even today in villages. (These are the 3 best ways to remove old nail paint)

Paint jewelry

By the way, you should have nail paint according to the color of the jewelery you are wearing. Many ornaments have paint in places, so if the paint is gone or damaged, you can resort to nail paint. For this, you can polish the place where the paint is blown with nail paint. This will make the jewelry look as beautiful as before. After applying nail paint on the jewelery, keep it out of the sun for a while.

Apply when itching

Applying nail paint when it is itchy does not mean that you start applying it all over the body. If any part of the body has been bitten by a mosquito and it is itching then you can apply nail paint. In the same way, you can apply nail paint even if itching of things like ant bites etc. It will also give you relief and will not itch.

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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Story of a female serial killer: used to bathe in blood to look beautiful, took the lives of hundreds of girls


There are many such stories and secrets buried in the layers of history, which will shock you if they come to light. There was one such queen, whose deeds had spread fear among the people. As well as being a savage, this queen was also a dreadful serial killer. By the way, you may have heard about many serial killers, who may have committed many murders in a row, but the story of this queen can make your hair stand on end. This queen used to kill virgin girls and bathe in their blood. Let us know the reason ...

The name of this queen living in Hungary was Elizabeth Bathari. Elizabeth Bathry is known as the most dangerous and savage female serial killer in history. Between the years 1585 and 1610, Bathari killed more than 600 girls and bathed them in their blood. It is said that someone advised Elizabeth to bathe in the blood of virgin girls to preserve her beauty. Elizabeth liked this method so much that she went beyond cruelty for it.

The serial killer Elizabeth did not shy away from vandalizing and raping the girls after killing them. According to popular legend, she used to bite the flesh of dead girls with her teeth. It is also said that Elizabeth Bathari's three servants also supported her in this heinous crime.

In fact, Elizabeth Bathari belonged to the Hungarian royal family. Elizabeth was married to a man named Ferenc Nadesdy, Hungary's national hero in the war against the Turks. Elizabeth weaved a huge net to ensnare the girls. Being a woman of high influence, she used to lure the poor girls of the surrounding villages to work in her palace for good money. But as soon as the girls came to the palace, she would make them her prey.

It is said that when the number of girls in the area decreased considerably, he started preying on girls from higher families. When the king of Hungary found out about this, he had the matter investigated. When investigators arrived at Elizabeth's palace, they were stunned. Investigators recovered the skeletons and gold and silver jewelery of several girls from Elizabeth's palace.

In 1610 Elizabeth was arrested for her heinous crime. Elizabeth was not hanged for this crime, but was imprisoned in a room in her own palace, where she died four years later on August 21, 1614.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Let’s find out why there is an extra hole in the bathroom sink


Everyone has seen it but may not have paid attention. The bathroom sink has a thick pipeline for drainage but still an extra hole is visible above it. The question is why the company makes these extra holes. Does he deliberately allow the cockroach to get inside the bathroom sink or is there some strong logic behind it.

What is the logic behind the extra holes in the bathroom sink

If you google, you will find that not all companies make extra holes inside the bathroom sink but this extra hole is definitely visible in the bathroom sinks of old and reliable companies. Behind this is their experience and the greatest logic. The bathroom sink pipe is often jammed due to hair flakes or shampoo pouches etc.  In such a situation if someone leaves the bathroom sink faucet open then the water will overflow from the sink and fill the whole bathroom and maybe even the whole house, but if this small hole is made inside your bathroom sink then the water will drain through it. Will flow in Your home and bathroom will survive. Yes, the water tank will definitely be empty.

Why bathroom sinks are often oval, why not square

If you google it, you will see that bathroom sinks are coming in many designs nowadays but still oval bathroom sinks are the most sold and are also recommended. There is very small but absolutely clean logic behind it. The oval bathroom sink is the easiest to clean. There is no possibility of germs hiding inside any corner. 

Plastic Bottle: Is drinking water from a plastic bottle good for health?

  Use Of Plastic Bottle : Is Drinking Water From Plastic Bottle Really Good For Health? You don't know about it. Let's find out ......