Sunday, April 25, 2021

Story of a female serial killer: used to bathe in blood to look beautiful, took the lives of hundreds of girls


There are many such stories and secrets buried in the layers of history, which will shock you if they come to light. There was one such queen, whose deeds had spread fear among the people. As well as being a savage, this queen was also a dreadful serial killer. By the way, you may have heard about many serial killers, who may have committed many murders in a row, but the story of this queen can make your hair stand on end. This queen used to kill virgin girls and bathe in their blood. Let us know the reason ...

The name of this queen living in Hungary was Elizabeth Bathari. Elizabeth Bathry is known as the most dangerous and savage female serial killer in history. Between the years 1585 and 1610, Bathari killed more than 600 girls and bathed them in their blood. It is said that someone advised Elizabeth to bathe in the blood of virgin girls to preserve her beauty. Elizabeth liked this method so much that she went beyond cruelty for it.

The serial killer Elizabeth did not shy away from vandalizing and raping the girls after killing them. According to popular legend, she used to bite the flesh of dead girls with her teeth. It is also said that Elizabeth Bathari's three servants also supported her in this heinous crime.

In fact, Elizabeth Bathari belonged to the Hungarian royal family. Elizabeth was married to a man named Ferenc Nadesdy, Hungary's national hero in the war against the Turks. Elizabeth weaved a huge net to ensnare the girls. Being a woman of high influence, she used to lure the poor girls of the surrounding villages to work in her palace for good money. But as soon as the girls came to the palace, she would make them her prey.

It is said that when the number of girls in the area decreased considerably, he started preying on girls from higher families. When the king of Hungary found out about this, he had the matter investigated. When investigators arrived at Elizabeth's palace, they were stunned. Investigators recovered the skeletons and gold and silver jewelery of several girls from Elizabeth's palace.

In 1610 Elizabeth was arrested for her heinous crime. Elizabeth was not hanged for this crime, but was imprisoned in a room in her own palace, where she died four years later on August 21, 1614.

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