Thursday, May 19, 2022

Howard Hughes: Strange billionaire who stays naked day and night and fills his own urine bottle


'Remember one thing, there's no one I can't buy or destroy if I can.'

These are the words of the richest businessman in America at one time. His name is Howard Hughes and the world knows him not only as an industrialist, researcher, filmmaker, a hero of a new age but also as a weird, cracked old man who spent 26 years of his life alone, locked up at home.

The old man later became so mad that he stopped cutting his nails and started filling his urine bottles.

What was his story?

Howard Hughes Jr. was born in 1905 to Howard Hughes Sr. Hughes Sr. used to make drills to extract crude oil and save a lot of money.

His wife, Howard Hughes Jr.'s mother, was from an aristocratic family. Hughes Sr. invented a drill machine in 1909 that changed the face of oil drilling. They made drills that could penetrate hard granite. He designed the drill in his own name.

Oil companies would now line up at Hughes Sr.'s door and wait for the drill machine to arrive. Hughes Sr. made a lot of money.

Howard's mother was also obsessed with cleanliness. I have to say crazy. The same disposition later descended into Howard. Howard was fragile and sick at birth. He could hardly hear with one ear.

Howard's mother took great care of him because of this.

So maybe his father always sent him to different boarding schools. There was no need to worry about getting in, because Howard's father's checkbook was always ready.

Howard was a shy, slightly deaf boy. He would not have been affected by the way the two great personalities of the house treated him.

He doesn't want to talk to anyone at school. He finally found two ways to overcome his loneliness - cinema and airplanes. He had a passion for innovation. When he was fourteen, his father took him to a diving competition between two American universities.

The father told him that if you participated in the competition and won, I would give you the prize you asked for. Howard won the contest and asked his father for five dollars.

Because where the competition was taking place, there was an advertisement for a low-flying plane, and Howard wanted to board the plane. He had just won the race to get on that plane.

H-4 Hercules aircraft built by Howard Hughes

Howard's mother died two years later, and his father two years later. The 18-year-old Howard, who did not even complete his education, got all the wealth.

Howard was convinced that there was nothing he could do with his father's money.

Although his father owned an oil drills business, Howard was not interested. He was marked by Hollywood.

Chanderi Duniya

After setting foot in Hollywood, Howard began to squander his father's money. The character of Howard Hughes is written by Peter Henry Brown and Pat Brosek He writes in his book, "Hughes never bought a pair of expensive shoes, he always bought 20 pairs. He never bought a car, he always bought 6 cars."

"He used to buy boxes of very expensive watches. He once   bought 20 suits at once." It was during this time that he drove his relatives out of his father's company. He bought the shares for 3.8 million.

He was going to pour all the money from his father's company into the cinema.

His first film, Two Arabian Nights, was a hit. But his later picture broke all records. The movie was called 'Hell's Agent'.

It was a film about the First World War in which the first people were seen flying airplanes and using them in war. It is said that at that time the armies of many countries of the world did not have as many planes and pilots as were used for this film.

The story of creation of this picture is also strange. Howard had a habit of making things his own. This was the beginning of his OCD.

Howard often wrote, modified, and rewritten scripts. But his biggest weird deal was that he didn't want to see the clouds, so he had to shoot again. Even if one of the clouds was not clear to Howard, the whole convoy. would have to repeat the scene. Well, since there was no graphics, people had to do everything.

It took a lot of time, money and effort. Once the picture was made, there was a craze for talkies in America.

Annihilation Then Howard changed the movie again, added dialogues, re-shot many things, added music. In all this, it took a long time for the picture to be released.  It cost लाख 4 million when the picture was released. The amount was huge at that time. But this movie did not disappoint Howard. The film did well at the box office, earning twice as much as it did.

He had a lot of women in his life during this time, especially the Hollywood actresses who were following him.

Some of the later films did not do much business but then came 'Scarface'. This was the first gangster picture. There was a lot of violence, swearing.
The Censor Board of the United States stated several cuts in this picture. Howard Hughes, on the other hand, sued the censor board and won. There was not a single swear word in 'Scarface'.

Poster of a Howard Hughes movie

The film made history. Howard wanted to do something different in every movie. The heroine in her next 'Outlaw' picture was supposed to have big breasts. For that, a special bra was needed, which would lift the breasts but it would not be visible outside the clothes.

"It's a simple engineering problem," said Howard, who made a special push-up bra. But the movie's heroine Jane Russell refused to wear it. Howard was the first researcher to use engineering for bras.  Howard was doing whatever he wanted in his life. But now Howard's focus was less on movies and more on planes.

He now wanted to build the fastest plane in the world. In 1935, he did just that. In 1938, he decided to travel around the world the fastest. He did just that. In three days and 19 hours, he traveled the world.

His prowess was so appreciated that parades were held for him in New York. He founded the Aircraft Company. The aircraft business was booming. Now the US military has begun buying aircraft and other equipment from him.

He designed submarines for the US Navy during World War II.

But gradually Howard's mental balance was deteriorating. His OCD had taken over his life.

He used to wash his hands constantly, so much so that blood would come out of his hands. He is played by actor Leonardo DiCaprio in the film 'Aviator' about the life of Howard Hughes.

There have been many films about the strange but interesting life of Howard Hughes

It also shows Howard washing his hands so hard that he started bleeding.

He used to check the work done once five times. As a result, the army contracts he had contracted were being delayed, and the budget was increasing. He was constantly changing the design.

Around the same time, in 1946, his plane crashed. This was his fifth plane crash and he did not escape this time as he did in the previous crash.

He was seriously injured. He started taking drugs to ease his pain and was dragged into the same pit. He continued to take drugs later in life.

He was also accused of making a profit by waging war. In 1947, he was called to testify before the US Congress. At that time, he gave a bold speech and explained how we are patriots. But it was the last time Howard Hughes appeared in public. For the next 26 years Howard did not see the people.

But his business was growing. From 1966 to 1968, he bought land, casinos, and hotels in Las Vegas, USA. In 1966, his company built the Survivor 1. It was the first American spacecraft to land on the moon. He also bought a TV channel in Las Vegas. Some say he bought the channel to watch his favorite movie. Some people say that he used to ask them to play his favorite movie at night and if he fell asleep he would have to start the channel again from scratch.

But his personal life was not at stake. His eccentricity was increasing day by day. He constantly felt like he had germs all around him. He would sometimes burn their entire wardrobe, including his clothes. Then something very strange happened in his life. One day he left the house and told the house servants that I was going to the studio to see some pictures. He went into the dark room of the studio that day and didn't come out for four months.

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio played the lead role in the film 'Aviator' about Howard's life.

He used to sit naked day and night. Keep your own urine in a bottle and never cut your nails.

Milk or chocolate was his meal. He also wrote letters to his servants saying, 'Don't look at me, don't talk to me.'

He later stayed in different hotels until his death, for years, but one thing in common was a dark room where he used to sit and watch a picture.

Howard Hughes died in 1976 during a flight. They lived and died. Like mind.

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