Wednesday, November 10, 2021

What would the earth look like if humans were not on the earth?

 There are 8.7 million species of animals on earth.  These include humans.  Clever and intelligent than all the living beings on earth.  City builder  Developer  Pollutant  Deteriorating the right environment.  But what if man were not on this earth?  What do these cities look like?  Roads, traffic, and agriculture.  Because all these things have been put together by human beings.  Think ... what a sight it would be if man were not on earth.  Let’s try to convince you with some pictures and content.

Scientists have tried to create a picture that does not include humans.  This picture is not an ordinary photo, but tells a story of evolution.  In which you will find many creatures that you may be aware of.  Or you may have never seen them.  Trevor Vardi, an associate professor and paleontologist at Flinders University in Australia, says that if humans were not on Earth, it would be more fertile.  It would have been full of more animals.  These animals could be very large in size.  Such as dinosaurs or sharks etc.

What would happen if we thought that modern humans, i.e. Homo sapiens, were not on earth?  In answer to this question, Trevor Vardi says that if we were not Homo sapiens, Neanderthals would rule the earth.  Those ancestors of human beings would still be roaming the earth today.  But then the picture of the earth would have changed.  Because humans exterminated many species of animals to create the current picture of the earth.  These range from Dodo (Raphus Cucullatus) to Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus).  Man has brought them to the brink of extinction.  The cause is hunting and destruction of their homes.

Most environmentalists believe that if humans were not on Earth, the extinction rate of other species would be 100 percent lower.  Because it is much more than Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) time at the moment.  Since that time till now 80% of the living creatures of the earth have become extinct.  There are some species that we have never heard of.  Like dinosaurs that didn't fly 66 million years ago.  That is, man has destroyed the earth like an asteroid.  Since the advent of modern man on earth, there has been nothing but destruction.  This catastrophe is related to nature and the environment.

Trevor Vardi says that my great-grandfather used to see a group of thousands of parrots and birds together.  That too in the lap of nature.  Grandpa saw a group of hundreds.  Dad must have seen a group of birds.  I see them walking in the forest.  If there were no humans, there would be more wildlife on earth.  Such as giants and moas etc.  About one million years ago, New Zealand had birds like ostriches at 11.8 feet.  But 750 years ago all the 9 species of Moa became extinct.  This is 200 years after the evolution of modern humans.

Apart from Moa, 25 other vertebrate species became extinct, Trevor said.  Including the Giant Haast's Eagles.  Because they used to hunt moa.  If not Moa, then Hast Eagle also died due to lack of food.  Humans are directly responsible for the extinction of the species of moas and host eagle.  Because of the endangered species and the species that invaded the new habitat, these species became extinct.  If their habitat is endangered, they will go elsewhere.  They will struggle with the large creatures that are there.  Now only one of these species will survive.  That is, even if a person does not hunt, he has the ability to do harm.

Soren Forby, a senior lecturer in zoology at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, stated that many large mammals became extinct after the arrival of humans.  These mammals have existed on Earth for thousands of years.  Soren Forby conducted a study in 2015, which was published in the journal Diversity and Distribution.  In this he imagined the earth without human beings.  These people then envisioned the African ecosystem Serengeti, in which all living things live together.

In Serengeti, hairy elephants, rhinos and lions are all thought to coexist in Europe with extinct species.  Such as Cave Lions instead of African Lions.  Lions living in caves lived in Europe 12 thousand years ago.  Relatives of elephants and bears lived in America.  Apart from these there were some strange creatures.  Such as the car-shaped Armadillo.  They were relatives of Glyptodon or Giant Ground Sloths.

Soren Forby stated that if humans were not on Earth, many species of large mammals would be ruling the Earth.  Like a hairy elephant.  Larger rhinos.  Human hunger created farms.  Deforestation due to fields.  When the forest was cut down, the creatures were killed.  As a result, many mammals and wildlife were killed.  Due to deforestation, many animals ran here and there.  If these large mammals were alive, they would destroy the leaves and branches on the trees.  Because they could easily get there.  Like- big elephants.  Larger elephants are called megafauna.

Elephants with megaphones were present on Earth during the Ice Age between 26 million years and 11,700 years.  At that time large creatures dominated the earth.  But as the ice age came to an end, these creatures came to an end.  The survivors became smaller in size.  By the end of the Ice Age, 38 species of large mammals had become extinct in North America.  Over the past century, there has been a lot of hunting due to climate change and human activities.  Due to which the species of large animals became extinct.  Their numbers are rapidly declining.

According to a report published in the journal Nature this year, climate change has led to the extinction of woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) and other large organisms living in the Arctic.  Those who bravely survived the Pleistocene period were later killed.  Couldn't stand the weather.  Humans hunted mammoths.  Hunting was done to eat its teeth, fur, skins and limbs.

Christopher Doty, an associate professor of ecosystem ecology at the University of Northern Arizona, stated that large animals transported seeds of crops and plants from one place to another through their food and feces.  In addition, these organisms were transported with phosphorus, calcium and magnesium etc.  If there are not so many big creatures left then the transfer of these things from one place to another has stopped.

Christopher said that without humans, the transfer of minerals, nutrients and seeds to Earth would be much better.  This means that the land would be more fertile.  The ecosystem created by this would be more productive.  Humans devised different ways to limit essentials.  Started farming.  Began to surround his home and area.  Which disrupted the movement of animals.  Due to this the fertility of the land decreased.

In addition, global warming has wreaked havoc.  Since the 20th century, global warming has increased by 1 degree Celsius due to human activities.  That is, the average temperature of the earth has increased so much.  However, without humans, the earth would be much colder.  There was no problem like global warming.  According to a report published in the journal Nature in 2016, the next ice age has been postponed by 1 million years due to increased heat from human activities.  Before that it was expected to come in about 50 thousand years.  But now it has slipped further.  That is, the earth will get warmer.

Scientists have not yet been able to figure out how Neanderthal humans ended 40,000 years ago.  However, their DNA is mixed with the DNA of modern humans i.e. Homo sapiens.  That is, some of the Neanderthals are still in the human body today.  However, scientists believe that there could be several reasons for the extinction of Neanderthal humans.  But the main reason is Homo sapiens.  That is today's man.  How- read on


Chris Stringer, a professor and researcher at the Natural History Museum in London, said that when Neanderthals and Homo sapiens were together on Earth, the biggest battle was over resources.  I.e. of the resource.  Chris says that if modern humans had not evolved on European soil 45,000 to 50,000 years ago, Neanderthal humans might still be alive today.  But this one species of humans killed another species by struggling to eat and survive.  Resources were so limited that Neanderthals ran out.

According to Chris Stringer, Neanderthals were struggling in Europe.  It was not easy for them to live.  I was having trouble eating.  The problem was exacerbated by climate change.  There was no genetic diversity.  Neanderthal humans became extinct due to breeding and poor health in their own species.  The situation now is that modern man is also going in this category.  This is how the plant of modern humans will end after a few thousand years.

Chris reported that Homo sapiens had interbreeding with Denisovan.  So this species continued to evolve.  Denisovan remains found in New Guinea, Oceania, also contain traces of today's human DNA.  That is, Homo sapiens living in South Asia met Denisovan of New Guinea.  Due to which the new plant developed by human beings is ruling the earth today.

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