Saturday, June 5, 2021

Why is whale vomit worth billions?


Would you believe if someone told you that the reverse of an animal could be worth more than gold and that it would be sold for one crore rupees per kg?

But yes, that’s true. But for that, it has to be the reverse sperm whale.

Ahmedabad police have recently arrested three people for possessing sperm whale vomit. It is valued at around Rs 7 crore in the international market.

The three accused are being questioned by the police. The police hope that the investigation will provide more information about the smuggling of marine animals and their organs in Gujarat.

Before the case came to light in Gujarat, a large number of embassies were seized in Mumbai and Chennai. From there, the information of smuggling in Gujarat was also in the hands of the police.

In China, Ambegres is used in sexual enhancement drugs. In the Gulf, it is used to make the best perfumes.

Sperm whales and embryos

When a sperm whale eats a catfish, octopus or other sea creature, a special type of fluid from its metabolic system begins to form in the whale's stomach.

This fluid builds up in the whale's body to prevent injury or other damage to the inside of the body by the sharp body of the animal swallowed by the whale or its teeth.

The remaining residue whale then leaves through its vomit. According to some researchers, embryos also come out of sperm whale droppings. This is why whale's prey teeth are also found in this feces.

Once out of the whale's body, it floats in reverse sea water. The sun's rays and sea salt cause a chemical reaction that transforms the vomit into an embryo.

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Ambegress is an oily substance of black, white or pale color. It can usually be round or oval in shape.

It is a flammable substance. It requires alcohol or ether to use.

It is also said to be whale semen. That is why this type of vomiting whale is called a sperm whale.

This fluid works according to sound waves. With its help the whale gains control over its body to move up and down the ocean.

According to experts, initially Ambegress does not smell good. But as soon as it comes in contact with air, its fragrance starts to increase. It has a sweet aroma. The scent of ambress perfume works to prevent it from flying through the air.

Ambegress is an extremely rare substance. That is why it costs so much. It is also called sea gold or floating gold. It can cost up to Rs 1.5 crore per kg in the international market.

Chief Care Officer of Jamnagar Marine National Park d. T. "According to the Wildlife Conservation Act, a sperm whale is a protected animal. It is a crime to hunt or sell it. It needs a license to trade legally. The whereabouts of the recently captured embryo are not known, but it is in high demand in Arab countries," says Vasavada. The people there are willing to pay a high price for it.

Sperm whales are preyed upon in large numbers for bones, oil, and embryos. That is why whale hunting has been banned in Europe, the United States and other Western countries since the 1970s.

Gujarat has a coastline of 1600 km. It is the longest beach in a state.

That is why smugglers of marine animals and their organs are active in Gujarat.

Along with Gujarat, embassies are also found on the beaches of Odisha and Kerala.

Sperm whales have been protected since 1986 under India's Wildlife Conservation Act. So the trade in sperm whales and its organs is illegal.

Use in drugs that increase sexual potency

Embegres are used in perfumes and medicines in many countries around the world, including India.

Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo, who traveled to many countries around the world, also mentioned Ambegres in their travelogues.

Embegres are also used in Greek medicine including Ayurveda.

Badruddin, an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Integral University in Lucknow, told the BBC: "Embegres have been used in Greek medicine for many years. Many medicinal plants are used in conjunction with embegres to treat mental and physical ailments and to treat sexually transmitted diseases.

He says, "Ambegress is a medicine made by mixing sugar with other herbs. It is also known as 'Majun Mumsik Mukkavi'. It is given to the patient in case of loss of libido. It helps in increasing the sexual capacity of the patient."

In addition, Ambegres is also used in Hubbe Nishat medicine. The drug is also available online with accredited pharmacies.

D. T. Vasavada says that it is not yet scientifically proven that ambiguity is said to increase sexual potency.

Dr. Badruddin and his colleagues have conducted research on the effect of ambiguration on the nervous system. He said his report would be published soon.

Where did the Ambegress in Ahmedabad come from?

According to Premsukh Delu, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone-7, Ahmedabad, the police had received a tip-off that some people would be coming to Ahmedabad with ambresses. Upon receiving this information, the police took immediate steps. The accused were caught in a trap set by the police.

Three people have been arrested in the case. An examination by the forensic department revealed that the substance was ambiguous. Therefore, all the accused have been arrested under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1972. A fourth person was also arrested on the basis of information provided by the three accused, Delu said.

Many of his colleagues are active in Gujarat. The case was transferred to the Forest Department on Friday (June 4). Now the forest department and the police will work together to destroy the racket.

The seized items weighed about five and a half kilos. It could cost around Rs 7 crore in the international market.

The forensic department will report that the substance was ambiguous. This report will be used as evidence in this case.

Police suspect more than a dozen people were involved in the case.

According to experts in the field of marine conservation in Saurashtra, it can take many years for a whale to reach the beach after vomiting.

According to him, Ambegres travels hundreds of thousands of kilometers to reach shore. The stormy winds of the sea carry him to shore.

The older the embezz, the higher the price.

Dogs recognize the smell of ambiguous and are attracted to it. People living in the coastal areas of Gujarat keep specially trained dogs for this purpose.

Once embegres are found in the coastal areas, they are sent to Ahmedabad or Mumbai. It is then sent to the Gulf countries through brokers. From there it goes to the international market.

Sometimes fishermen also get embezzlement.

People are sometimes deceived in their name because they do not know what embegres are. Some sell paraffin wax or oily substances under the name Ambegress.

Since this trade is illegal, its complaint is not filed anywhere.

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