Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Do you know the health benefits of dried coconut?

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Health Benefits: You always have dried coconut in your house.  However, you often do not know the benefits of this dried coconut.

Health Benefits: You always have dried coconut in your house.  However, you often do not know the benefits of this dried coconut.  Dry Coconut is very good for heart and brain.  Dried coconut helps in boosting immunity.  It also helps to keep the body away from viral infections and is also very beneficial for the skin.

Prevention of Viral Infections - Dry Coconut is often used in many homes.  In Konkan, coconut is always used in food.  Coconut is also used to make kheer, ice cream, sweet dishes, desserts, and spices in non-vegetarian meals.  Coconut enhances the taste of food.  But this is what dry coconut is important for health.  Dried coconut also contains a lot of nutrients.  Dry Coconut is very good for heart and brain.  It boosts immunity and helps keep the body away from viral infections.

 Good blood flow - Dried coconut keeps the blood flow in the body good.  Coconut contains phenolic compounds, which act as antioxidants.  They prevent oxidative damage to body cells.  These include gallic acid, caffeic acid, salicylic acid, P-Coumaric acid.

Eliminates Iron Deficiency - Coconut eliminates the problem of iron deficiency.  Dried coconuts are high in iron.  Iron deficiency in the body can be completed by eating it.  It also helps in boosting the immune system.  Protein, vitamins, iron, calcium, manganese and selenium are mainly found in dried coconut.

 Boosts Immunity - These nutrients protect the body from viral diseases by strengthening the immune system.  Dried coconut provides many nutrients to the body.  Incorporating coconut in the diet also reduces the risk of problems like arthritis and osteoporosis.

 Improves memory - Eating dry coconut enhances memory.  Dried coconut is very important for mental health.  Studies have shown that coconut oil helps prevent Alzheimer's.

Tingling in the hands and feet? Find out why ...


Numbness of the hands and feet is common.

Often we sit in one place without moving.  This is when your hands and feet become numb.  In this case, the problem of tingling in the limbs is also felt.  But why does it happen in your body that even when you are in order, your limbs become numb?

 Why do limbs become numb?

In the language of medical science, this is called paresthesia.  This often happens to everyone and after a while the arms and legs move, the limbs return to normal and the tingling stops.  Sometimes the legs become so numb that it is difficult to lift or move them.

 Numbness of the hands and feet is common.  When we stay in the same position for a long time without any movement or put weight on any part of the body, the nerves of that part of the body are compressed.  When this happens, the flow of oxygen to the arms or legs slows down and they stop working actively for that period of time.  In such cases, you may feel tingling or numbness in that area.

The signal reaches the brain

 Tingling in one part of the body signals your brain.  You have not done any movement of the limbs for a long time or you feel that you are putting too much weight on the body part.  After this, we move the body.  After a while your arms and legs become normal.  Sometimes body massage is also done to smooth the blood flow.

 Your body has very small nerves.  Whose job is to send signals to the brain.  These nerve cells are made up of fibers, the function of which is divided into what message each nerve will send.  When the nerves constrict and blood circulation slows down.  At that time, they indicate that the brain has tingled.

If a person has more numbness in the arms, legs or other parts of the body, he needs to be a little more careful.  In such cases you should consult a doctor.  This is because in such cases thyroid, diabetes, stroke can cause tingling in the body.

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Do you know why there are these blanks next to the pills?

 Often there are such things in front of the eyes.  We do not know why.

Sometimes we have such things in front of our eyes.  We do not know why.  We see an object every day.  But the code for that item is not easy to find.  One such thing we are going to tell you today.

You often go to the doctor after the doctor prescribes the pills.  Many pill packets contain a single pill.  But even then, there is a big pocket for it.  Even if the bullet is single, there are some blanks on its side.  But there are no pills in it.

There are gaps around the pill so that it does not break when it is in the pill pocket.  This is also a reason.

This is to prevent any damage while the medicine packets are reaching the medical.  Similar to Cushioning Effect for drugs.  Which does not harm the drugs.

 Another important reason is that the space is extended to print complete information about the tablet.

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Should I put oil in my ears or not? Learn what experts say


Many people put oil in their ears to clean their ears. But is it right to do so?

Many people put oil in their ears when they are itching or hurting. It is believed that the oil should not be put in the ear. Moisture stays in the ear for several days after putting oil in the ear. In such a situation, when we go out of the house, dust and pollution accumulate in the ears. 

Many people believe that putting oil in the ear makes the earwax come out easily, but this belief can be harmful for you. Putting oil in the ear can cause ear infection. Not only this, putting oil in the ear also causes ear problems. Never put crude oil in the ear.

Consult a doctor before applying ear oil

Disadvantages of putting oil in the ear

People put oil in the ear when there is pain in the ear or hearing loss, but it can damage your ear. It can also lead to permanent deafness. If possible, do not put oil in the ear without consulting a doctor.

Putting oil in the ear can cause autoimmune disease, which can lead to permanent hearing loss.

Many people put oil in the ear to remove the earwax, but this can cause dirt and dirt to accumulate in the ear, which can cause the earwax to accumulate more instead of coming out.

If you get water in your ears while bathing, don't make the mistake of putting oil in your ears. This can increase the risk of infection.

Never put oil on a child's ear at will. Don't make this mistake without asking the doctor.

This can cause pus-like problems in your ears. In addition, it can affect the eardrums. Applying oil to the ears can cause itching and pain in your ears.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Knowledge: What is the value of Pakistani notes against Indian currency? You know what


Pakistan's deteriorating economic situation is often a part of the country's and the world's news. Inflation has skyrocketed there. The price of 1 liter of milk there is between 130 and 140 rupees. So for the price of a cup of tea there, we can have a complete breakfast in India. The reason for all this is the current deteriorating economy of Pakistan.

In Pakistan, notes like Rs 1, Rs 2, Rs 5, Rs 10, Rs 20, Rs 50, Rs 100, Rs 200, Rs 500, Rs 2000 are used in currency as well as in India, there are also Rs 1000 and Rs 5000 notes.

Pakistan's economic situation is as bad as its currency. The value of Pakistani currency is less than half that of Indian currency. It can be said that India's rupee is stronger than Pakistan's, as one Indian rupee is equal to Pakistan's 2.29. On the other hand, if compared to the dollar, the value of 1 US dollar is 168.82 rupees in Pakistani rupee, which is equivalent to 73.72 rupees in Indian currency.

Compared to the Rs 2,000 note brought to India after denomination, its value is equivalent to Pakistan's Rs 4,579.34. This means that your Rs 2,000 note is almost equal to Pakistan's Rs 5,000 note.

Like Mahatma Gandhi on Indian currency, there is a photo of Mohammad Ali Jinnah on Pakistani currency. Also, among other things, it says State Bank of Pakistan in Urdu.

Like India, Pakistan's currency has many security features, including watermark, security thread, anti-scan and anti-copy.

Friday, September 24, 2021

At this point, the sun rises and sets every 90 minutes, according to NASA


When the sun rises, the temperature rises to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and when it sets, it drops to -250 degrees Fahrenheit.

We see the sun rising and setting once on earth.  But, you may be surprised, that the astronauts on the space station have witnessed the rising and setting of the sun 16 times a day.  Astronauts on the International Space Station often share such posts on social media, much to the surprise of people.

The sun rises every 90 minutes and a post has been shared on the Twitter handle of the declining International Space Station.  With this post, the astronauts are witnessing the rising and setting of the sun every 90 minutes.  The International Space Station orbits the Earth every 90 minutes.  Meanwhile, astronauts on the space station see the sun rise and set 16 times a day.

Changes in temperature There are many changes in temperature in space.  Compared to Earth, the temperature in space rises to 250 degrees Fahrenheit when the sun rises and drops to -250 degrees Fahrenheit when it sets.  But, in the meantime, the astronauts are safe.  Special spacesuits are made for them to withstand such temperatures.  The heat has no effect on this spacesuit.

The spacewalkers experience a sunrise and sunset every 90 minutes and @cquantumspin asks if they feel temperature differences in their suits. #AskNASA |

Monday, September 20, 2021

Talking Duck: During the Australian duck mating, like humans, spoke like- 'You bloody flower', also made the sound of closing the door rapidly

 You must have heard parrots singing or talking like humans many times.  Let us introduce you today to the Australian musk duck, which imitates many other types of voice including human language.

 Nature is wonderful and she continues to give proof of this.  In a recent research, an Australian Musk duck has been recorded saying 'You bloody flower' like humans during mating.

According to a report by London's 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences', a male musk duck named Ripper in the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve in Canberra, capital of Australia, repeatedly said "You bloody flower" in human voice.  has been recorded.  Not only this, this duck can also make out the sound of the door closing.

Kate explains that Ripper was raised in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve since childhood by the same caretaker.  It is possible that these words must have been heard from the caretaker again and again and then gradually started imitating them.

 The recording was done for the purpose of recording the mating of the Australian duck.

This recording of Ripper was made in 1987 by ornithologist, Peter J.  Made by Fullagar.  The purpose of which was to record physical activities in addition to the sounds during the mating.  Kate says, "In the recording, the ripper was found imitating the sound of the door closing. Apart from this, he was repeating 'You Bloody Fool' over and over again. According to Kate, the last word is 'Food' or 'Fool' Yeh Clear  No. It depends on the listener. But this incident is no less than a surprise."
Earlier the Musk duck was found to imitate the Pacific Black duck
 Musk ducks have the ability to mimic the sounds of their environment.  In the year 2000, a second male duck was recorded in the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve itself.  In the recording, the male musk duck was seen imitating the Pacific black duck.  Researchers say that both these events prove that musk ducks, especially those that have been reared in the same place, have the ability to imitate the sounds around them.

Let us tell you that a few days ago in Sydney's Taronga Zoo, a bird was heard making a sound like the cry of a newborn baby.  This voice was recorded by the people working in the zoo.  According to him, this voice was that of a superb lyrebird which is adept at learning from its surroundings and imitating others.

Plastic Bottle: Is drinking water from a plastic bottle good for health?

  Use Of Plastic Bottle : Is Drinking Water From Plastic Bottle Really Good For Health? You don't know about it. Let's find out ......