Saturday, June 5, 2021

Sealand: Do you know a country that stands on only two pillars?


It all started with an email. I will never forget this email and what happened next. In May 2020, I received a message from Prince Michael of Sealand asking if we could speak.

This one message led us to a different world of history and geography. Self-proclaimed kings, land rights claims, historical inconsistencies, Britain in World War II, pirated radio stations, call interceptions, I was able to do different things at that time.

I was so thrilled by this email. I had never received an email from a prince before, and it was unlikely to happen in the future.

Sealand is a Chimukalam institution near the Suffolk coast of England. It is said to be the smallest country in the world.

In fact it was an anti-aircraft platform in World War II. It was built in 1942 and was named HM Fort Roughs at the time.

A fort equipped with cannons at sea

The fort was outside the borders of Britain. He was also armed. During the war, 300 Royal Navy soldiers were stationed here. In 1956, the navy completely removed the fort and the fort became desolate.  

Until 1966, the fort was deserted. Then one day a retired Major from the British Army came here and founded a new country.

The fort is 12 km from the coast and can be seen by boat. It doesn't look special at all. A container-like building is constructed on two pillars.

Once there, the crane has to pull up. Then you can go upstairs. But the gusts of wind and the waves of the sea create fear in the mind.

I knew nothing about it. There are many stories associated with it. Helicopter raids, gangsters, attempts by European merchants to take control, many such incidents took place here.

Documents released by the British government refer to the fort as 'Cuba on the east coast of England'.

It was as if a screenwriter from Hollywood had written the screenplay. One family turned this outpost into a sparkling nation. It doesn't fit.

Yet in this lonely place a new dream was seen. No government has imposed on us and we have been declared independent. Tichun has an independent government here on the nose of Britain.


Talking to Prince Michael of Sealand on the phone, I realized that he had a treasure trove of savory stories.

He has published some of these things in his book 'Holding the Fort'. But he was willing to tell me stories that the world did not know about Sealand.

Cuba on the east coast


We met at their main house on the Essex coast. The prince said, "I was 14 years old. I went there for the first time to help my father when school was on summer vacation. I remember staying there for six weeks."

"Then I didn't think the winds on the island would last 50 years. It was a different life. Sometimes we had to wait for months to get something to eat if the boat came from the land of England. I kept staring at the horizon but seeing nothing beyond the sea." Nerves. "

Sealand's situation is a bit different. No country has recognized him. But the prince says, I have never asked anyone for approval.

Britain had illegally built the platform outside its territorial waters during the war. But then, in the heat of battle, no one had time to pay attention to it.

In fact, only then did the British have the opportunity to destroy it, but they did not even look into it. Sealand has stood there for decades.

The area of ​​Sealand is only 0.004 sq. Km. Km. Seeing this shape changes our very concept of small countries. But then the question remains as to why people establish such small countries.

Jord Dunford, co-author of Micronation: The Lonely Planet's Guide to Home-Made Nations, attributes this to his dissatisfaction with the current government and his willingness to work his way up.

Sealand is a special case, Dunford says. Because it has been going on for a long time and it has always been a matter of law and order.

In America, such a family would be seen as a dissatisfied family. But in the 1960s Britain became more liberal. The authorities may have felt that there was no point in resolving the issue. Attempts were made to seize it once, but Sealand escaped.

Rules for recognition

The rules recognizing small countries were drafted in 1933 at the Montevideo Convention. It defined the rights and duties of such states.

It was signed by international leaders, including then-US President Franklin D. Roosevelt. At the same meeting, four criteria were set for the state.

Dunford says smaller countries are recognized only on the basis of these criteria. To be called a state (country) takes into account the population, geographical area, government and relations with other countries.

The fourth and final criterion brings small countries more jealousy because they are constantly begging other countries to recognize us. Sealand, however, does not. They consider themselves sovereign and have a right to it.

Every country has a story of origin and birth. Sealand's story begins in 1965. Michael's father, Paddy Roy Bates, had retired as a Major in the British Army. He then started fishing. He founded Radio Essex.

There was a fort called Knock John near HM Fort Roughs. Its use was also discontinued. Paddy had started a pirate radio station in that fort.

At that time, the popularity of illegal radio stations grew so much that the British government had to enact the Marine Broadcasting Crime Act in 1967. The sole purpose was to shut down such stations.

So seeing the opportunity, Bates took his station to Ruffs. The site was in international waters away from the British maritime border.

Radio station

Like Knock John, it was a deserted sea fort, and its condition was bad. They took over the station just before Christmas 1966. Nine months later,

on September 2, 1967, he declared Sealand. The same day was his wife John's birthday. After a few days, the whole family moved there.

 In the 1970s, 50 people lived here. It was attended by family and friends of all the cleaners and cleaners. It became a symbol of the anti-government movement in Britain.

Sealand also had some problems. Nothing comes of it, says Michael. We started with candles. Then came the hurricane loop and the generator.

Sealand created its nationality. Government symbols created. Event written. They have their own flag. There is also a football team and the national anthem.

There is a picture of Princess John on the Sealand currency. So far, they have issued 500 passports. His motto is love of freedom.

Michael is continuing the Seychelles dynasty with his three children (James, Liam and Charlotte) and his second wife (Mei Shi, a retired major in the People's Rebellion Army of China).

Conflict with Britain

My father did not want to build his own country, says Michael. But he was upset to see that the British government was trying to shut down its radio station. We fought and won the British government. Sealand has so far been able to keep the independent intact.

This country has its own flag

The most controversial case concerning Sealand dates back to 1978. People from Germany and Holland had come to take possession of it. However, the Bates family stopped the gun and took them into custody.

The German ambassador and delegation arrived by helicopter from London to rescue them. After discussing with them, they approved us.

Freedom is not easy. There is a cost of repairing the sealant. The guards stay there. To offset this cost, Sealandans sell T-shirts, postage stamps, political titles at online stores. Lord, Lady. The titles Baron, Baroness can be purchased for. 29.99.

General customs and immigration laws do not apply here. One cannot go to Sealand without receiving an official invitation from the prince. They themselves go there only two to three times a year. No one lives there except the rest of the staff.

Dunland says, "Sealand's position has always been beta. But the current princes have handled it well. That's what I like about small countries. The way they show genuine nationalism is brilliant."

Nagani of citizenship

Sealand receives 100 emails a day seeking citizenship. People from Delhi to Tokyo are ready to swear allegiance to Sealand.

“Our whole thing makes people think that way,” says Michael. We do not live in a society where people are told what to do. Everyone wants to get rid of the government. The world needs motivators like us. There are very few such places in the world.

Sealand is still in place, and the sea has been quietly observing it for decades. Despite being close to Britain, space is far from Britain. How different and almost impossible does this seem?

Abkhazia: India has not given recognition to 'this' country in the world


It is said that not only individuals but also places change with time. But some people and places do not come out of this time frame.

One such place is called Abkhazia.

You may not have heard the name. Some may have heard the name, but they may not have been here. The region lies between the Black Sea and the Caucasus mountain ranges to the east of Europe.

In the 1990s, Abkhazia declared itself an independent country. But few countries in the world have recognized the region as a single country. It is a country that the world does not know, whose independent existence is not recognized

The Soviet Union began to disintegrate in the late 1980s. Around the same time, Abkhazia began to secede from Georgia. Georgia wanted to secede from the Soviet Union, while Abkhazia wanted to secede from Georgia.

The province of Abkhazia has been part of the Soviet Union's Georgia since the 1930s. But he had a lot of autonomy.

But before that, Abkhazia was an independent province.

Georgia declared its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, and Abkhazians feared its autonomy would end.

This led to tensions and in 1992 civil strife broke out. Georgia's military initially took the lead and drove Abkhazian rebels out of the capital, Sukhumi.

But the rebels again used all their strength to counter the Georgian army. Thousands were killed in the war.

More than two million people of Georgian descent had to flee Abkhazia. For this, the Russian army had also helped the rebels in Abkhazia.

Abkhazia has been popular with tourists since the days of the Soviet Union. Being a mild summer and winter, many preferred to go here for sightseeing. But in the 1990s, the civil war broke out and tourists stopped coming. Now that Georgia's troops have withdrawn, hotels and restaurants are deserted.

Famous photographer Stefano Mazno visited this country many times and took photos of it.

"In fact, the Russian army still controls the border with Abkhazia, but it was not difficult to get there and take photos. It is an independent country in name only. In fact, Abkhazia is a puppet of Russia," says Stefano.

Since a minor war with Georgia in 2008, Russia has used Abkhazia to attack Georgia. Abkhazia and Russia have good relations. Abkhazia is dependent on aid from Russia.

"Russia controls not only Abkhazia's borders. Russia has also taken over Abkhazia's social and political system. Russia's control over the real estate sector is also increasing. The advantage of Abkhazia is that it will continue to receive aid from Russia," Stefano said.

Russia, Nicaragua, Syria, Nauru and Venezuela are the only five countries that have so far recognized Abkhazia.

Hard to get a taxi

Stefano says renting a taxi in Abkhazia is a big challenge. You have to rely on government buses for travel. Stefano says that it feels like time has passed back through the time machine.

But the funny thing is that the bus stations here are also from the Soviet era. The war has been raging since the 1990s. Russia's currency - the ruble - is also used in Abkhazia. Russia controls most of the country's assets.

Abkhazia does not even have its own parliament. The old parliament building in the capital Sukhumi has been demolished. The main railway station in the nearby city is similarly deserted.

Although it is very difficult to take photos of government buildings here, there is no problem in taking photos of people, says Stefano. The situation there is such that the technology for developing photos is not even available there.

There was a time when about two million people came to Abkhazia every year. Tourists from all over the world used to come here. Now only people from Russia come here to roam.

Neighboring Georgia has enacted a law banning entry into the country. About 25 percent of Abkhazia's population was of Georgian descent. But all of them fled, and now Abkhazia is golden.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

PHOTO | You too will be amazed to know about these thin lines that appear in the map of India!


You must have seen the map of India. In this map you may have seen a thin line coming out from the southern side of Sri Lanka. It seems that Sri Lanka is connected to India. (You too will be amazed to know about this thin line that appears in the map of India)

You must have seen the map of India. In this map you may have seen a thin line coming out from the southern side of Sri Lanka. It seems that it connects Sri Lanka with India. You may not have noticed this before, but this place is also very important from the point of view of history and it is considered to be a very beautiful place to roam. The beaches here are also very beautiful.

It is a short distance from Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu, which is a very beautiful place in terms of natural beauty. This place is very beautiful, but still the number of tourists is very low, because few people know about this place and it is a little difficult to reach.

It is said that a hurricane in 1964 caused a lot of damage and a lot of damage. The Kothandarmasami temple is very famous in the vicinity of the sea and people reach here. You can guess from the photos how beautiful it is, but it is quite secluded.

Although few people visit here today, it was once a well-known place for trade and goods by sea.

Dhanushkodhi, about 20 km from Rameshwaram, is believed to have a direct connection with the Ram Setu. It is said that Ram Setu can also be seen from here, because this bridge passes through here. Many people say that this is the same place where Ravana's brother Vibhishan met Lord Rama.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

People of which country cannot travel to India?

                ●●●●●  North Korea ●●●●●

India is a country where everyone has freedom of movement.

Our country does not believe in discrimination like other countries. Therefore, people of any country can come to visit India and they all have the same freedom as ordinary Indians. There is a saying in our country that Atithi Devon Bhav: "And because of this we do not insult the people of any country in the world.

But still there is a country in the world whose people are not allowed to roam in India.

The people of this country are not only barred in India but also in the United States, Japan, Brazil, Italy, England and even their neighboring country North Korea.

Actually the country we are talking about and no one else is North Korea.

Yes, not only is this country not allowed to make nuclear weapons, but the people here are also banned from going to other countries.

In the same way, the Indian government has also banned the people of this country from coming to India. If you feel that it is not right for India to ban North Koreans. So tell me the reason behind it. All the people living here follow the dictates of the dictator Kim Jong Un. And because of this, their spy and terrorist intentions can spread in India as well.

This country has become a cancer-like country for the world. Whose dictator is not only targeting his own Longo but also his neighbors North Korea, Japan, and the world power America. That is why relations with the rest of North Korea are not special.

India's relations with North Korea are very good. More than half of arms and food in North Korea are imported from India. The political issues of North Korea and India are quite strong. The Indian government does business with the dictator of North Korea but has kept its distance from him.

Which do no harm to India. Similarly, Indians are not allowed to go to North Korea. North Korea only allows its longos to visit separated families in North Korea. That too once a year.

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