Tuesday, July 20, 2021

7 Reasons Why You Should Sleep


           7 Reasons       Why You   Should               Sleep

On Your Left Side

Typically, your sleeping position is a “whatever gets you there” kind of scenario. There are lots of common positions people assume as they drop off to sleep, including on their side, stomach, back, or curled up in the fetal position.
Some folks lay relatively still all night, and others toss and turn. It’s all okay as long as you aren’t waking up sore.
However, your sleep could be better than okay. It could be great. Your body is actually still pretty active during that time, filing away memories, digesting dinner, and recharging your batteries, plus, of course, taking in oxygen and circulating blood. As it turns out, the position you take during sleep makes a huge difference in how effective these processes are, and there IS a best position.
Sleeping on your left side is the gold standard in slumber positioning, and we’ve got 7 compelling reasons why that is. Not convinced? Stick with us as we count the ways.

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